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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31, 2023 ~ Linda K. Milam January 2023 Devotions: "Radiant"

And so, I continue. . . 

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works.  Psalms 26:7 KJV 

Revelation 21:10-11 ~ 11 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; KJV

The Holy Spirit giving John the ability to share in WORD his vision as the Lord carried his spirit into heaven to see the marvelous sights was for US, God's children. We will be a part of that place one day - and just like when we go on a vacation to a new location, we research it to find out the best places to go! But in Heaven, you can go anywhere and see the Glory Light of the LORD! I don't know about you, but I can't hardly wait. As we daily see our loved ones pass on to glory, it makes us anxious to join them, right? But if you have been "left behind" as some say, it is only for a while longer. You still have a purpose here on earth, and God must be the center of that purpose.

Sadly, we got word that a missionary family, to Guam, have lost their 15-year-old son to a tragic swimming accident, and nearly lost the father. I venture to say today is truly a sad one for them. Their child has gone on before them. But they have a purpose here to finish the race! Pray for The Clingaman family, their daughter Sofie, Bruce, Monina and their two older children that were not with them. God's plan is not our plan. If it was up to us, all of our loved ones would live till Jesus returns, never separated, always available for a phone call or communication somehow. But we would keep them. But God knows what lies ahead, and although we feel sad and broken over the separation from them, we can trust God in HIS plan! 

Christian, like you, I am excited about THAT DAY when God tells Jesus, "Son, go get your bride!" We will meet them in the air. I don't know all about the details, but I know that I know I believe! Do you? Will your "resurrection" day be on your way to heaven or hell? Make sure of that won't you. Young Caleb did not step out into the water thinking, "It's my time!" But God knew.  Will you have a moment to insure you are going to heaven? Or will God take you so fast you cannot make that decision. The thief on the cross is proof that a person can be saved on their death bed.... but I wouldn't want to "chance" that I would have enough time. I am so thankful of my assurance of salvation! I hope you can say that!


Do You Know HIM?

Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.

With love and prayers, 
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America and around the world


  • Missionaries to Guam the Clingaman family - tragic accident has their 15 year old son Caleb DIED this morning around 2:30 - his father, Bruce, in hospital with lung damage from trying to save Caleb from rip current.
  • Barbara - last stages of organ cancer. 
  • Lorraine - recovery from surgery
  • Lorrie
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Larissa, Helene, Calvin, Dominic, Rocky, Cindy - Our group home folks.
  • Jerry Kruchokow - health
  • Pastor Mike Schneider, power and confidence to preach the whole counsel of God!
  • Judy Lewis - praise the Lord, released from the hospital. Pray that her health continues to improve.
  • Please pray for our daughter Lita in her health journey with Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. Pray that doors open on her healthcare needed. Click on the link to learn more about this awful disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
  • Mary Nutter, cancer treatments and hospitalization.
  • Carl Odell - Knee surgery 1/27 at 9am. SURGERY WENT WELL, PLEASE PRAY FOR FULL HEALING
  • Levi - teen burned 1st & 2nd degree burns on his hands, when his derby mower caught fire.
  • Dickie and Debbie Reynolds - Dickie's pacemaker replacement and full recovery.
  • Reggie Parker - very sick, emergency surgery, kidneys failing, needs a special touch from heaven through the prayers of saints like you! His father is the pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Elizabeth City, NC. Please pray for this young man!
  • Robbie Colt ~ needs double lung replacement after total damage of lungs by covid, also pray in the loss of his father to covid, and his stepmother. 
  • Walter - serious health
  • Dr. Melvin Aiken - heart pacemaker surgery is complete, and he is going home soon.
  • Pam Shumate - health (our niece)
  • Brenda Milam - wisdom and health (Tom's sister)
  • The Henshaw's health - praise the Lord their home sold, but at the end of February they will be moving out of state. Pray for them through these great changes.
  • Edie Smith - health (my sister)
  • PJ - heart surgery, PRAY he can come off of the breathing machine, complications of blood clots in the brain and in his legs.
  • John Odom - aneurisms. 
  • Louise Odom - cancer treatments.
  • Imogene Walston - back injury and major mouth surgery on the 25th, went really well. Pray for a speedy recovery. 
  • Connie - injured back, continued healing.
  • Pastor Greg - blood pressure issues. 
  • Miss Shirley-health - doing some better and able to help in the print shop some in the last couple of weeks. 
  • Pray for Richard Rosenmeier family - Passed 1/8/23 Lord, please help and bless the family and friends.
  • David Wiles - Cancer
  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD for answered prayers - Pray for Mrs. Carolyn as his caregiver and a healing touch on her body.
  • These families have lost loved ones to death in the last few months: John Isler, Larry Goodman, Frank Sparks, Lucinda Lane, Randy Rolle, Ruth Kemp, Bill Alley, Keith Cook, Cathy Harrison, Rachel Vance, Gail Tipton, Bob DeSalvio, Gail Tipton, Davis and Tichnell Family, Tudino family, Fuentes Family, DeSalvio Family, Thompson Family, The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie, Lucinda Lane Family (my beautiful sister-in-love), Keith Cook Family (our nephew and Tom's sister Florences' son), The Leo Family, The Echeverria Vallejos family in the homegoing of Patricia's father, The Baker Family
  • Shannon - health problems, grieving in loss of father.
  • DJ needs a special touch from heaven. (Shannon's son and she has asked us to pray for DJ - God Knows!
  • Carolyn-health 
  • Pray for our need for a home here in Florida - We know You have the supply Lord already, help us to be patient. We moved Saturday the 14th, once again, to a precious saint's home for a couple of Months... at least till May when we will "move again." We are glad to be a help to Sister Cora and feel by May she will have her strength and healing by then.
  • Pray for Stan Skriloff - cancer and treatments and pray for his caregiver wife Caren! 
  • Pray for Connie, complete healing of her back. 
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. Miss Cora HAS PASSED her occupational therapy and is now working on physical therapy. She is excited that God will give her the opportunity to walk outside soon. Praise the Lord! Keep her in your prayers please. We are thankful for this wonderful home for a few months stay till the Lord moves us on.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it. BIG issue with our puncher . . . please pray we can resolve that Monday - Pray our paper supply will continue - we are still not able to purchase COVER STOCK, but we praise the Lord for our previous pastor's wisdom in buying several truckloads of this precious product. Only God knew what we would be facing today with shortages, and we have the "widows' mite" we are working from. Pray that Tom and I can work the bugs out of some of our equipment!
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, out strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Dicky and Debbie Reynolds - health
  • 2-month-old great-nephew Evan. Evan is home from the hospital and doing well.
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Pastor Johnny J-health and recovery from surgery - recovering well from surgery thank you for your prayers.
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Arlene-Health
  • Ruth-Health
  • Brian-Health
  • Lucinda Lane Family - pray for my brother Joe. This is a hard transition for anyone, but his health is poor as well.
  • Paul Tipton - pray for Bro. Paul who is back on the field in Nicaragua without his helper and bride.
  • Penny - special unspoken - pray for her husband Mike - health.
  • Bro. Wayne-health - He turned 91 on December 24th, and is still working, but mighty slow :) 
  • Billy Ward - health and continued healing, Sonja his bride and caregiver.
  • Benjamin - surgery went well, pray for his recovery which may be long.
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength.
  • Linwood - health
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"!
  • Sandra Parsons - her call to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing WAS a blessing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement. 
  • Kimberly LaSage - health and John Peters and family.

January 31, 2023 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

“Living By God’s Righteousness”

Philippians 3:9; II Corinthians 5:14

Can we not find full gratitude of mind and heart that we are granted the right and privilege to live for Christ? How that we can openly love and serve Him, seeing we are saved by all that He has done for us in His finished work. And that we are proud proclaimers of it. 

Christ is perfect righteousness, and that brings to each believer, though some are weak, and many are cold, to be able to claim His righteousness in us, and He is our only hope of calmness, holy quietness, peace and contentment. We are made perfect only in Christ, “we are not our own, but we are bought with a price”. Divine Grace is our main stay because Jesus is made our righteousness. Distresses may infirm me and bring on affliction, and Satan brings on wave after wave of assaults, and we will endure many hard-life experiences before we lift off of this mud-ball called earth; But Grace, His Grace, will lead me on. John 19:30 says, “It is finished”, that means that nothing is lacking, nothing wanting in the Lord, all has been done, His death, burial and resurrection accomplished it all. I can have joy unspeakable and full of glory and rejoice down in my soul and shout from the pulpit, the valley and the mountain top; “I am complete in Him!”

No matter how unworthy we get, we still belong to Him, no matter how weak, He paid the price for our salvation. I can rest in His strength, His ability and His love.

 “But He”

It is not I, that lives this life, 

But He that lives within.

I cannot boast of anything, 

But He that forgives my sins.

-Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“No matter how unworthy we get, we still belong to Him.”

Daily Jewel:

“Remember our freedom consists of doing what we ought, not as we want.”

Daily Scripture Reading Exodus 40        

Weekly Memory Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 

With love and prayers,
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam 
Missionaries to America and Around the World 


Monday, January 30, 2023

January 30, 2023 ~ Linda K. Milam January 2023 Devotions: "Radiant"

And so, I continue. . . 

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works.  Psalms 26:7 KJV 

Revelation 1:13-16 ~ 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. KJV

John is focused on Jesus as He describes our Saviour! Jesus the Son of God, it is hard to imagine this as truth the way John describes Him. But I do believe every Word of my Bible is true. What an amazing God we serve. I cannot wait to be in Heaven with Him. ". . . his eyes were as a flame . . ." no wonder He "shined" like the sun. One day we will also come face to face with our Saviour. I wonder if we will see what John so... I'm pretty sure we will. John had seen Jesus' face in this very state once before.... Matthew 17:2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. 

John sees a glorious Being who resembles his dear friend and Master, Jesus of Nazareth, but this Person is far beyond human. BUT he knew who he was, and we will too. Only those who have taken Jesus as their Saviour will ever see Heaven. Scripture tells us that EVERY KNEE shall bow to Him, Philippians 2:10 "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;" Every one of us will bow before Him. Many in adoration, but sadly many in great fear. Time will have run out for them, and judgment is sure.

Please know this is truth. You can say I know God, love Jesus, but that won't save you. Only a complete surrender to our beloved One with complete repentance and sorrow for our sin, asking for forgiveness and asking Him to come into your heart and save you!  He is the ONLY way to Heaven! Don't miss out, mess up, or deny your God Given right to be saved! There is NOTHING WORTH missing out when He calls us Home! Make sure you know Him as your Saviour. 


Do You Know HIM?

Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.

With love and prayers, 
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America and around the world


  • Barbara - last stages of organ cancer. 
  • Lorraine - recovery from surgery
  • Lorrie
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Larissa, Helene, Calvin, Dominic, Rocky, Cindy - Our group home folks.
  • Jerry Kruchokow - health
  • Pastor Mike Schneider, power and confidence to preach the whole counsel of God!
  • Judy Lewis - health problems, hospitalized!
  • Please pray for our daughter Lita in her health journey with Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. Pray that doors open on her healthcare needed. Click on the link to learn more about this awful disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
  • Mary Nutter, cancer treatments and hospitalization.
  • Carl Odell - Knee surgery 1/27 at 9am. SURGERY WENT WELL, PLEASE PRAY FOR FULL HEALING
  • Levi - teen burned 1st & 2nd degree burns on his hands, when his derby mower caught fire.
  • Dickie and Debbie Reynolds - Dickie's pacemaker replacement and full recovery.
  • Reggie Parker - very sick, emergency surgery, kidneys failing, needs a special touch from heaven through the prayers of saints like you! His father is the pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Elizabeth City, NC. Please pray for this young man!
  • Robbie Colt ~ needs double lung replacement after total damage of lungs by covid, also pray in the loss of his father to covid, and his stepmother. 
  • Walter - serious health
  • Dr. Melvin Aiken - heart pacemaker surgery is complete and he is going home soon.
  • Pam Shumate - health (our niece)
  • Brenda Milam - wisdom and health (Tom's sister)
  • The Henshaw's health - praise the Lord their home sold, but at the end of February they will be moving out of state. Pray for them through these great changes.
  • Edie Smith - health (my sister)
  • PJ - heart surgery, PRAY he can come off of the breathing machine, complications of blood clots in the brain and in his legs.
  • John Odom - aneurisms. 
  • Louise Odom - cancer treatments.
  • Imogene Walston - back injury and major mouth surgery on the 25th, went really well. Pray for a speedy recovery. 
  • Connie - injured back, continued healing.
  • Pastor Greg - blood pressure issues. 
  • Miss Shirley-health - doing some better and able to help in the print shop some in the last couple of weeks. 
  • Pray for Richard Rosenmeier family - Passed 1/8/23 Lord, please help and bless the family and friends.
  • David Wiles - Cancer
  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD for answered prayers - Pray for Mrs. Carolyn as his caregiver and a healing touch on her body.
  • These families have lost loved ones to death in the last few months: John Isler, Larry Goodman, Frank Sparks, Lucinda Lane, Randy Rolle, Ruth Kemp, Bill Alley, Keith Cook, Cathy Harrison, Rachel Vance, Gail Tipton, Bob DeSalvio, Gail Tipton, Davis and Tichnell Family, Tudino family, Fuentes Family, DeSalvio Family, Thompson Family, The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie, Lucinda Lane Family (my beautiful sister-in-love), Keith Cook Family (our nephew and Tom's sister Florences' son), The Leo Family, The Echeverria Vallejos family in the homegoing of Patricia's father, The Baker Family
  • Shannon - health problems, grieving in loss of father.
  • DJ needs a special touch from heaven. (Shannon's son and she has asked us to pray for DJ - God Knows!
  • Carolyn-health 
  • Pray for our need for a home here in Florida - We know You have the supply Lord already, help us to be patient. We moved Saturday the 14th, once again, to a precious saint's home for a couple of Months... at least till May when we will "move again." We are glad to be a help to Sister Cora and feel by May she will have her strength and healing by then.
  • Pray for Stan Skriloff - cancer and treatments and pray for his caregiver wife Caren! 
  • Pray for Connie, complete healing of her back. 
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. Miss Cora HAS PASSED her occupational therapy and is now working on physical therapy. She is excited that God will give her the opportunity to walk outside soon. Praise the Lord! Keep her in your prayers please. We are thankful for this wonderful home for a few months stay till the Lord moves us on.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it. BIG issue with our puncher . . . please pray we can resolve that Monday - Pray our paper supply will continue - we are still not able to purchase COVER STOCK, but we praise the Lord for our previous pastor's wisdom in buying several truckloads of this precious product. Only God knew what we would be facing today with shortages, and we have the "widows' mite" we are working from. Pray that Tom and I can work the bugs out of some of our equipment!
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, out strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Dicky and Debbie Reynolds - health
  • 2-month-old great-nephew Evan. Evan is home from the hospital and doing well.
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Pastor Johnny J-health and recovery from surgery - recovering well from surgery thank you for your prayers.
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Arlene-Health
  • Ruth-Health
  • Brian-Health
  • Lucinda Lane Family - pray for my brother Joe. This is a hard transition for anyone, but his health is poor as well.
  • Paul Tipton - pray for Bro. Paul who is back on the field in Nicaragua without his helper and bride.
  • Penny - special unspoken - pray for her husband Mike - health.
  • Bro. Wayne-health - He turned 91 on December 24th, and is still working, but mighty slow :) 
  • Billy Ward - health and continued healing, Sonja his bride and caregiver.
  • Benjamin - surgery went well, pray for his recovery which may be long.
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength.
  • Linwood - health
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"!
  • Sandra Parsons - her call to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing WAS a blessing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement. 
  • Kimberly LaSage - health and John Peters and family.

January 30, 2023 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

“Filling Comes By Asking”

Ephesians 5:18; 6:17,18

We should be in constant prayer, for the will of God to be done in our lives, as true believers (Matthew 6:10). God will favor the heart cry of His children. Come to Him in confession and repentance, and simply ask what you want. Do you want to be a sincere prayer warrior? Then ask God in the name of Jesus, believe He is going to do it, even though you are unworthy to receive it, but ask Him to fill you with His Spirit to be a servant of prayer. Do you want to be an intercessor? Ask Him! Do you want to know that your prayers are being answered? Then listen to, “the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees” (II Samuel 5:24). That’s the Holy Spirit moving like the wind (John 3:8).

When we’ve made ourselves available for the Holy Spirit to fill us for each task, ministry, and blessing ahead; then we will be doubly prayerful, doubly sincere and earnest in all our spiritual activity. We will approach the throne of Grace more often, and stay awhile longer, for ourselves and for others, after all it is our Heavenly Father that we are talking to.

There are times that we have a special touch from Heaven in our praying, and peculiar power that is different than all other times. You have promises concerning your devotion and prayers; desire them, look for them, wait for Him in answer, and that means to “work while it is day”. Get rid of any hindering habits, be willing to empty yourself, and be closer in communion and devotion.

Remember, our freedom consists of being what we ought, not as we want all of the time.

“The Way To Pray”

How should I pray? What is the plan?

There must be a mystery to it!

No, my friend, there is not a trick; 

Just offer yourself and do it!

-Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“Remember our freedom consists of doing what we ought, not as we want.”

Daily Scripture Reading Exodus 38-39        Weekly Memory Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 

With love and prayers,
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam 
Missionaries to America and Around the World 



Sunday, January 29, 2023

January 29, 2023 ~ Linda K. Milam January 2023 Devotions: "Radiant"

 And so, I continue. . .  

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works.
Psalms 26:7 KJV 

1 John 2:8-11 ~ 8 Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth. 9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. 10 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. 11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. KJV

". . .a new commandment . . . " 1 John gives a number of parallels we can learn from. Christ vs. antichrists, light vs. darkness, truth vs. falsehood, righteousness vs. sin, love of the Father vs. love of the world, and the Spirit of God vs. the spirit of the Antichrist. Then there is good and evil. Before we were, there was Heaven - where all was supposed to be all good. Until Lucifer thought himself to be better than God. From that point when God ejected him from heaven, to earth, we were doomed without a way out. That was UNTIL that moment Jesus spoke up and said, "I'll Go!" When He agreed to go in our stead to a cruel cross taking all of our sins upon Himself a path of salvation was made.  We WENT from total destruction to a sure HOPE in Jesus Christ; His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven where He is preparing a home for all those who are saved has made a way for all mankind who will believe and accept Him. 

When Jesus spoke, satan knew he was doomed. O he convinced Adam and Eve that God was a liar - can you believe that? He did and he is still doing even today. He has lied to all of us. For thousands of years man has been duped, deceived, lied to - just so that satan could destroy as many of God's children as possible. Isn't it odd that in a family that has a great number of children, (18 in our family) that some just cannot see the light that many of the others do? I believe that all of my siblings are saved, but are we all serving God? Sad to say, no. They have either become complacent, living in known sin, and just have lost their first love for the Lord Jesus Christ or aren't saved at all. I long for the day when each and every one of them will turn to that first love, give up the vices that hold them in sin, turn to God and receive His forgiveness and serve Him with all their hearts! O the good we could do together! 

Sadly, this story can be told in almost every family that is or was. Because we allow the things of the world (satan) into our lives, we slowly lose that first love. We pick up vices and sins that keep us from having a right relationship with God. I want more than anything to worship shoulder to shoulder with my family - and I believe one day I will. Until that day, we keep praying, witnessing, and living a life pleasing unto the Lord. Loved ones and friends, make today the day you return to your FIRST LOVE!


Do You Know HIM?

Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.

With love and prayers, 
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America and around the world


  • Barbara - last stages of organ cancer. 
  • Lorraine - recovery from surgery
  • Lorrie
  • Larissa, Helene, Calvin, Dominic, Rocky, Cindy - Our group home folks.
  • Jerry Kruchokow - health
  • Pastor Mike Schneider, power and confidence to preach the whole counsel of God!
  • Judy Lewis - health problems, hospitalized!
  • Please pray for our daughter Lita in her health journey with Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. Pray that doors open on her healthcare needed. Click on the link to learn more about this awful disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
  • Mary Nutter, cancer treatments and hospitalization.
  • Carl Odell - Knee surgery 1/27 at 9am. SURGERY WENT WELL, PLEASE PRAY FOR FULL HEALING
  • Levi - teen burned 1st & 2nd degree burns on his hands, when his derby mower caught fire.
  • Dickie and Debbie Reynolds - Dickie's pacemaker replacement and full recovery.
  • Reggie Parker - very sick, emergency surgery, kidneys failing, needs a special touch from heaven through the prayers of saints like you! His father is the pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Elizabeth City, NC. Please pray for this young man!
  • Robbie Colt ~ needs double lung replacement after total damage of lungs by covid, also pray in the loss of his father to covid, and his stepmother. 
  • Walter - serious health
  • Dr. Melvin Aiken - heart pacemaker surgery is complete and he is going home soon.
  • Pam Shumate - health (our niece)
  • Brenda Milam - wisdom and health (Tom's sister)
  • The Henshaw's health - praise the Lord their home sold, but at the end of February they will be moving out of state. Pray for them through these great changes.
  • Edie Smith - health (my sister)
  • PJ - heart surgery, PRAY he can come off of the breathing machine, complications of blood clots in the brain and in his legs.
  • John Odom - aneurisms. 
  • Louise Odom - cancer treatments.
  • Imogene Walston - back injury and major mouth surgery on the 25th, went really well. Pray for a speedy recovery. 
  • Connie - injured back, continued healing.
  • Pastor Greg - blood pressure issues. 
  • Miss Shirley-health - doing some better and able to help in the print shop some in the last couple of weeks. 
  • Pray for Richard Rosenmeier family - Passed 1/8/23 Lord, please help and bless the family and friends.
  • David Wiles - Cancer
  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD for answered prayers - Pray for Mrs. Carolyn as his caregiver and a healing touch on her body.
  • These families have lost loved ones to death in the last few months: John Isler, Larry Goodman, Frank Sparks, Lucinda Lane, Randy Rolle, Ruth Kemp, Bill Alley, Keith Cook, Cathy Harrison, Rachel Vance, Gail Tipton, Bob DeSalvio, Gail Tipton, Davis and Tichnell Family, Tudino family, Fuentes Family, DeSalvio Family, Thompson Family, The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie, Lucinda Lane Family (my beautiful sister-in-love), Keith Cook Family (our nephew and Tom's sister Florences' son), The Leo Family, The Echeverria Vallejos family in the homegoing of Patricia's father, The Baker Family
  • Shannon - health problems, grieving in loss of father.
  • DJ needs a special touch from heaven. (Shannon's son and she has asked us to pray for DJ - God Knows!
  • Carolyn-health 
  • Pray for our need for a home here in Florida - We know You have the supply Lord already, help us to be patient. We moved Saturday the 14th, once again, to a precious saint's home for a couple of Months... at least till May when we will "move again." We are glad to be a help to Sister Cora and feel by May she will have her strength and healing by then.
  • Pray for Stan Skriloff - cancer and treatments and pray for his caregiver wife Caren! 
  • Pray for Connie, complete healing of her back. 
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. Miss Cora HAS PASSED her occupational therapy and is now working on physical therapy. She is excited that God will give her the opportunity to walk outside soon. Praise the Lord! Keep her in your prayers please. We are thankful for this wonderful home for a few months stay till the Lord moves us on.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it. BIG issue with our puncher . . . please pray we can resolve that Monday - Pray our paper supply will continue - we are still not able to purchase COVER STOCK, but we praise the Lord for our previous pastor's wisdom in buying several truckloads of this precious product. Only God knew what we would be facing today with shortages, and we have the "widows' mite" we are working from. Pray that Tom and I can work the bugs out of some of our equipment!
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, out strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Dicky and Debbie Reynolds - health
  • 2-month-old great-nephew Evan. Evan is home from the hospital and doing well.
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Pastor Johnny J-health and recovery from surgery - recovering well from surgery thank you for your prayers.
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Arlene-Health
  • Ruth-Health
  • Brian-Health
  • Lucinda Lane Family - pray for my brother Joe. This is a hard transition for anyone, but his health is poor as well.
  • Paul Tipton - pray for Bro. Paul who is back on the field in Nicaragua without his helper and bride.
  • Penny - special unspoken - pray for her husband Mike - health.
  • Bro. Wayne-health - He turned 91 on December 24th, and is still working, but mighty slow :) 
  • David Harrison-cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Billy Ward - health and continued healing, Sonja his bride and caregiver.
  • Benjamin - surgery went well, pray for his recovery which may be long.
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength.
  • Linwood - health
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"!
  • Sandra Parsons - her call yesterday to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement. 
  • Mary Nutter - Cancer
  • Kimberly LaSage - health and John Peters and family.


January 29, 2023 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

“Forward, To Glory!”

II Corinthians 4:8-18

Hebrews 12:2 “...looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith”. The true obedient believer has his life wrapped up in, always looking forward. At present he is willing to give himself to be used and then looking ahead to the privilege of further service, looking for the crown, and the final goal. Are you hoping? Hope on my friend, are you looking for joy? Are you longing for the consolation? Are you hoping for love unbounded? It is all ahead, day by day; By faith we look into the future. Sin will be gone; can you imagine a place where the devil is not around? This old sinful body will lay down, never to rise up in its sin again. If we look deeper, ahead, we can see death’s river has no hold, we can see Jesus, making good on His promise, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you”. I have formed the stream and it is safe to pass over.

These bars of flesh and bone will not hinder the parting and the arrival of the spirit to that celestial shore, the pearly gates, the beautiful city and the song of coronation that we will sing at the crowning. O, to be embraced by Him and be glorified with Him; On ward is the call, my brother! Forward is the crown and our peace on the throne with Jesus awaits.

The past is fading, the darkness is nearly gone, and the shadows of the present are but a fog. Heaven’s joy will displace all of the agony of life lived down here. We are only here for a little season, and soon it will have passed by. Time is not long at all; But eternity is longer than long; Death is but for a moment, and the glorified life is endless!

“Tell Us Again” 

Onward we go from glory to glory, 

Tell us again the Heavenly story;

Brighten the night that has faded our way, 

Lead us on, into that endless day; 

Crowns await, joys untold,

Tell us again, let the future unfold.

-Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“Heaven's joy will displace all of the agony of life lived down here.”

Daily Scripture Reading Exodus 35-37        Weekly Memory Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 

With love and prayers,
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam 

Missionaries to America and Around the World 


Saturday, January 28, 2023

January 28, 2023 ~ Linda K. Milam January 2023 Devotions: "Radiant"

 And so, I continue. . .  

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works.  Psalms 26:7 KJV 

2 Peter 1:19-21 ~ 19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. KJV

Peter saw the LORD Jesus crucified. He saw the fulfillment of prophecy, as written in Scriptures! Who better to tell of it than an eyewitness. He confirms the death of our Saviour on the cross as prophesized! It was important to record this truth because even in his day the devil was using all his power to deceive the people. If you believe in Him - he is your Daystar your Light in the path of darkness (evil) and will be for eternity. Peter also confirms that the prophecy that was told of old, was told by ". . .holy men . . .", men ". . . moved by the Holy Ghost. . .".  Thank you, Peter, for being obedient in the end. Because of your bravery to tell the truth in a time when Christians were greatly persecuted, God has made sure that we can read your letter over and over again! It encourages me so much! 

It so important for us to study the Word. Make it a personal goal to read and study the word often, not just once a day, but often during the day as you can. It will help you so much, and I can personally testify of that. It is there that God has made sure the truth is recorded. The Bible is our go to Guide in this journey we travel. It is there that we learn how to live as Christians and present the Gospel to all that will hear, read, watch. We can listen to men preach the Word, hear the singing, and read the books written by men and women of God to grow our Christian walk with Christ. But none of this is any good for the lost, to those who have never made a "personal" decision to take the most precious Gift God ever gave man, Jesus Christ. 

The unsaved have no comprehension without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Yes, there are those that are scholars who have studied the Bible, but without the Holy Spirits guidance, they are just that - scholars. I want to know the Word of God and its teachings. I love sharing of what I have learned, and I pray that others will be reached in some way. I want to be a help to others and bring them to the guiding light of Jesus. I am no different than you. I still struggle to balance all the things in my life. But when it comes to my time with God, I make it all about Him; what I can do for Him and how He can help me. How about you? When is the last time you read your Bible outside of church? I'm just asking, and if the Holy Spirit convicts you of this, heed His call! You will never regret it, I promise! Happy and joyful reading my friends.


Do You Know HIM?

Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.

With love and prayers, 
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America and around the world


  • Jerry Kruchokow - health
  • Judy Lewis - health problems, hospitalized!
  • David Harrison - cancer surgery started at 10am this morning.... UPDATE - CAME THROUGH SURGERY WELL, WILL HAVE TEST RESULTS IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS
  • Please pray for our daughter Lita in her health journey with Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. Click on the link to learn more about this awful disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
  • Mary Nutter, cancer treatments and hospitalization.
  • Carl Odell - Knee surgery 1/27 at 9am. SURGERY WENT WELL, PLEASE PRAY FOR FULL HEALING
  • Levi - teen burned 1st & 2nd degree burns on his hands, when his derby mower caught fire.
  • Dickie and Debbie Reynolds - Dickie's pacemaker replacement and full recovery.
  • Reggie Parker - very sick, emergency surgery, kidneys failing, needs a special touch from heaven through the prayers of saints like you! His father is the pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Elizabeth City, NC. Please pray for this young man!
  • Robbie Colt ~ needs double lung replacement after total damage of lungs by covid, also pray in the loss of his father to covid, and his stepmother. 
  • Walter - serious health
  • Dr. Melvin Aiken - heart pacemaker surgery is complete and he is going home soon.
  • Pam Shumate - health (our niece)
  • Brenda Milam - wisdom and health (Tom's sister)
  • The Henshaw's health - praise the Lord their home sold, but at the end of February they will be moving out of state. Pray for them through these great changes.
  • Edie Smith - health (my sister)
  • PJ - heart surgery, PRAY he can come off of the breathing machine, complications of blood clots in the brain and in his legs.
  • John Odom - aneurisms. 
  • Louise Odom - cancer treatments.
  • Imogene Walston - back injury and major mouth surgery on the 25th, went really well. Pray for a speedy recovery. 
  • Connie - injured back, continued healing.
  • Pastor Greg - blood pressure issues. 
  • Miss Shirley-health - doing some better and able to help in the print shop some in the last couple of weeks. 
  • Pray for Richard Rosenmeier family - Passed 1/8/23 Lord, please help and bless the family and friends.
  • David Wiles - Cancer
  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD for answered prayers - Pray for Mrs. Carolyn as his caregiver and a healing touch on her body.
  • These families have lost loved ones to death in the last few months: John Isler, Larry Goodman, Frank Sparks, Lucinda Lane, Randy Rolle, Ruth Kemp, Bill Alley, Keith Cook, Cathy Harrison, Rachel Vance, Gail Tipton, Bob DeSalvio, Gail Tipton, Davis and Tichnell Family, Tudino family, Fuentes Family, DeSalvio Family, Thompson Family, The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie, Lucinda Lane Family (my beautiful sister-in-love), Keith Cook Family (our nephew and Tom's sister Florences' son), The Leo Family, The Echeverria Vallejos family in the homegoing of Patricia's father, The Baker Family
  • Shannon - health problems, grieving in loss of father.
  • DJ needs a special touch from heaven. (Shannon's son and she has asked us to pray for DJ - God Knows!
  • Carolyn-health 
  • Pray for our need for a home here in Florida - We know You have the supply Lord already, help us to be patient. We moved Saturday the 14th, once again, to a precious saint's home for a couple of Months... at least till May when we will "move again." We are glad to be a help to Sister Cora and feel by May she will have her strength and healing by then.
  • Pray for Stan Skriloff - cancer and treatments and pray for his caregiver wife Caren! 
  • Pray for Connie, complete healing of her back. 
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. Miss Cora HAS PASSED her occupational therapy and is now working on physical therapy. She is excited that God will give her the opportunity to walk outside soon. Praise the Lord! Keep her in your prayers please. We are thankful for this wonderful home for a few months stay till the Lord moves us on.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it. BIG issue with our puncher . . . please pray we can resolve that Monday - Pray our paper supply will continue - we are still not able to purchase COVER STOCK, but we praise the Lord for our previous pastor's wisdom in buying several truckloads of this precious product. Only God knew what we would be facing today with shortages, and we have the "widows' mite" we are working from. Pray that Tom and I can work the bugs out of some of our equipment!
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, out strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Dicky and Debbie Reynolds - health
  • 2-month-old great-nephew Evan. Evan is home from the hospital and doing well.
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Pastor Johnny J-health and recovery from surgery - recovering well from surgery thank you for your prayers.
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Arlene-Health
  • Ruth-Health
  • Brian-Health
  • Lucinda Lane Family - pray for my brother Joe. This is a hard transition for anyone, but his health is poor as well.
  • Paul Tipton - pray for Bro. Paul who is back on the field in Nicaragua without his helper and bride.
  • Penny - special unspoken - pray for her husband Mike - health.
  • Bro. Wayne-health - He turned 91 on December 24th, and is still working, but mighty slow :) 
  • David Harrison-cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Billy Ward - health and continued healing, Sonja his bride and caregiver.
  • Benjamin - surgery went well, pray for his recovery which may be long.
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength.
  • Linwood - health
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"!
  • Sandra Parsons - her call yesterday to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement. 
  • Mary Nutter - Cancer
  • Kimberly LaSage - health and John Peters and family.