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Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

“He Is Mine, 
and I Am His”

I Corinthians 3:23 & John 6:37

We were first made by God and then we were bought by Jesus. God gave His Son for us and then gave us to the Son. We were bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, our redemption. We are his then by dedicating and devoting ourselves to Him, therefore we are consecrated to Him. We are related to Him now because we carry His name. We are brethren and joint heirs with Him. Now every time you are tempted to sin, you can say with authority, “I cannot do this evil thing, because I am Christs’.” If you are led to be wealthy by sin, say I can’t touch it, because I am the purchased property of God almighty.

Are you facing difficulties and dangers? Stand firm, you belong to God, you are Christs’. Don’t sit and do nothing because others are idle. Get up and learn to sweat for Jesus’ sake. Don’t say that you are of no benefit and be tempted to stop. Look the devil in the eye and say, “I’m Christs’ and I have decided to go with God.” When service for God beckons, give yourself to it. When the poor people need something, give them yourself and share what you have with them. Be a mannerly Christian. Train your speech to be holy and Godly. Conduct yourself as to point people to Heaven, and let your conversation be seasoned with a heavenly language, and your argument for living holy is that “you are Christs’.” 

                                    “To Be His”

How do I get there, you may say?

Jesus proclaims, “I am the Way.”

What may I hear to get me through?

Hear me, He says, “I am the truth.”

How can I live among all of this strife?

Jesus says, “Come to me, and I’ll give you My Life.”

                                            -Tom Milam (John 14:6)


Daily Jewel:

“We were first made by God and then we were bought by Jesus.”

Weekly Memory Verses: Genesis 22:9-13 Daily Scripture Reading Genesis 34 - 36

With love and prayers,

May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam

Missionaries to America and Around the World

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