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Saturday, January 7, 2023

January 7, 2023 ~ January 2023 Devotions: "Radiant"

And so, I continue. . . 

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works.  Psalms 26:7 KJV

Psalms 50:1-2 ~ 1 A Psalm of Asaph.>> The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof. 2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined. KJV  

This psalm, written by Asaph, the great musician, is a psalm of instruction. It tells of the coming of Christ and the day of judgment, in which God will call men to account; and the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of judgement. Are you surprised that the Old Testament would speak of our coming Messiah? The entire Bible is written about God and Jesus coming and sacrifice for all mankind. 

Asaph singing in these first verses recognized the mighty God, our LORD . . . He is the One that we must focus on. He is the One that has perfected beauty and through that beauty shines as no other has, will, or ever shine. His creation and radiant beauty are breathtaking. God created all and everything by His spoken Word. He it is that deserves all of our praise, honor, and glory. He it is that has made a way that we may enter heaven with Him, to be with Him, for ever and ever and an eternity. When Jesus Christ became my personal sacrifice is when I made sure that I would be in the throng that will one day be lifted up into the air, dead or alive, to be with Him forever in the realms of glory. 

How about you? Have you made sure of your final resting place in Heaven. Many say, "Yes, I am going to heaven." But of these many, they are just speaking words, not living words. Folks if you are saved, you know your salvation came from the Lord, and you know of Heaven and hell, you will serve your God in every way possible. You will pray, read your Bible, attend church, tithe and give over and above tithing, give to missions, and all that goes on at your church. You will worship Him and Him only and not allow ANYTHING to get in the way of that worship.  Anything less is idle words.  "Yes, I am going to heaven," will not be enough at the judgment seat. If you are saved and nothing changes in your life, do a checkup. You may not be saved at all. Or you know you are saved, yet you cannot take 4 hours out of the entire week that God gave you to attend church???  Something is wrong!

God Himself is calling us through His Word. Are you listening? Can you accept the fact that you may not be in the place God wants you?  Do what you KNOW is right. Your decisions regarding your service to your Saviour affects all those around you. Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sisters, brothers, parents spouse; all of these people may be watching you and wondering if you are really a Christian.  I have said it before, there will be generations that are fooled into believing that all they have and do is because of "them" and God has nothing to do with it because we didn't make sure they saw Christ in us.

Make this Sunday the Sunday that everything changes in your home. Come to church, take your place, you will not only affect your family but the church family as well.

Do You Know HIM?

Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.

With love and prayers,

May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
and around the world


  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD - Pray forMrs. Carolyn as his caregiver
  • Pray for our need for a home here in Florida - we know you have the supply Lord already, help us to be patient.
  • Pray for Stan Skriloff - cancer and treatments, and pray for his caregiver wife Caren 
  • Pray for our dear friend, Sister Connie Booher and her graciousness to put us up for a couple of weeks till Mrs. Cora's is ready for us in a more long-term situation.
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. PRAISE THE LORD SISTER CORA CAME HOME FROM REHAB! PRAY FOR HER CONTINUED STRENGTH AND HEALING! Keep her in your prayers please.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it. 
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, out strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • 2-month-old great-nephew Evan. He is in the hospital with RSV strep throat, and a bacterial blood infection
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Pastor Johnny J-health and recovery from surgery
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Arlene-Health
  • Ruth-Health
  • Brian-Health
  • Keth Cook Family
  • Lucinda Lane Family
  • Tipton Family
  • Penny - special unspoken
  • Miss Shirley-health
  • Bro. Wayne-health
  • Mrs. Cora - health
  • Carolyn-health
  • Tudino family
  • Fuentes Family
  • DeSalvio Family
  • Thompson Family
  • Dewey Williams and wife - flu
  • David Harrison-cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Davis and Tichnell Family
  • Billy Ward - health and healing
  • Benjamin - A child having knee surgery with a long recovery time - Monday January 9th
  • The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength
  • Linwood - health
  • Walter - health
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"
  • Sandra Parsons - her call yesterday to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement. 
  • Mary Nutter - Cancer
  • Kimberly LaSage - health and her John Peters and family

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