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Monday, March 27, 2023

March 27 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

 “Will We Also Stand Back”

Mark 14:50; II Timothy 4:16 

Jesus always trusted what His Father said to Him, “I will never leave nor forsake you;” But when the disciples needed Him the most and trusted Him the least, they backed off in cowardly fashion to comfort their flesh and shun the responsibilities of being in fellowship with his sufferings. We need God, not   only at a distance, but very close by in our frailty. We like sheep, if left to ourselves, will wander and would be an easy open target for the wolf in our weaknesses. Many of us, like the Apostles, promised to do anything for the Master, even die for Him, rather than turn back in disgrace; Yet we like them, get overcome with the anxieties of the hard days, and panic sets in; we are found sulking then in our misery of mistrust.

I believe that many times we have faced days that we start out promising God things and then find out we can’t perform them, because we drifted from His side. Fear sets in sometimes when intimidated by the world, flesh and devil; But to stay an honorable soldier we must not imitate them. The safest place is near the Captain, He has the wisdom to perceive the battle strategy of the enemy. Don’t ever flee from the safety of the leader, an humble servant is better than a lone fool. Pride and arrogance will take you down, but humility will get you an audience with the King. Never flee, but cling to the safety of the shepherd, He will stand in for you during the hardest of circumstances. Grace will turn timidity into triumph, cowardice into creative defense and bashfulness into bravery; let Him flood you with the boldness of His grace. Have faith, and so fulfil your obligation as a witness of truth.


If I stand idle and involvement disregard 

Forsaken I’ll feel and be very faithless; 

To say we shame our Saviour, 

Is a statement very hard.

And the bitterness of it all, 

Is to crucify Him afresh.

-Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“Let Him flood you with the boldness of His grace.”

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