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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 28, 2023, ~ Linda K. Milam February Devotions: "Compassion"

 And so, I continue. . . That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works. Psalms 26:7

Hebrews 10:24-25 ~ 24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.  KJV  

It is good to have a Pastor to lead us, but just as important are the church members who gather together as family under a Pastor that will strengthen, lift up, and encourage us through the preaching of the Word, and the singers who stir our hearts in preparation of the message coming from God in any service. In light of what Jesus did for us, and His wonderful blessing of salvation, we must encourage each other knowing that we have eternal salvation. There are hurting members in every church, I dare say, and each one of us together can help and bless each other in our times of need. I know you can name numbers of members who have forsaken the call of God and do not attend church because of one reason or another, but they are missing so much. It must sadden the Lord to know they have more important things to do than to set aside a couple of hours a week to worship Him as He has told us to do in verse 25; ". . . Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. . ."  

Folks, the time is drawing near when we will not be able to obey the Lord's calling. Make today the day you change your heart, lead your family spiritually, and get back in church at the appointed time.  Not only will the Lord be pleased, but the blessings of having your family gathered together with church family are untold! 


PLEASE PRAY WITH US THAT GOD WILL GIVE US A HOME OF OUR OWN SOON. THANK YOU! We looked at an option Friday. We are asking God for wisdom, trusting Him for our every need.

In the name of Jesus, may we be HIS emissaries and used by Him to help others.

HE CARES! Do You Know HIM?  Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.  With love and prayers, may we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 

Tom and Linda Milam ~ Missionaries to America and around the world! 

Listen to Bro. Tom on "The Jewel For The Day" program, every Monday - Friday at 6am and 2pm EST.


  • PRINT SHOP PUNCHER ISSUE IS RESOLVED! PRAISE THE LORD, ALSO OUR TRIMMER IS REPAIRED AS WELL AS THE LAMINATOR! ALL the result of that good meeting you helped us pray about last week. God provided and we were not charged one penny
  • Also, praise the LORD for the paper Maranatha Baptist IN Princeton WV gave us - Gospel tracts are on the way to the cartel on this paper. . . pray for souls saved and safety for the missionaries who carry it with God's protection. This trip they have been approved by two heads of state in these cartels, to set up a "church" building. They have been meeting in open air areas, and many have trusted Christ as their Saviour! The more that are saved, peace reins in their homes and communities. O the stories that can be told! Pray that God will provide all that is needed! 
  • Pastor Weido is now cancer free! 02-02-23
  • Pastor Cooper did well in surgery 2-7-23 pray for complete healing
  • Walter's surgery was a success! He is continuing to recover but still needs our prayers! 2-15-23
  • Brian McBride's surgery went well, waiting for tests. 02-02-23
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it.  Miss Shirley came to volunteer along with Miss Elaine for 5 days straight! They finished up 60,000 Gospel Tracts, and 50,000 to go! Praise the Lord! 2-15-23 we are picking Miss Shirley up for work again! Keep on praying, God is moving!
  • Pastor's wife, Mrs. Brown. Prayer Request - "Please pray for my pastor’s wife, Mrs. Brown. She is in the ER with very low blood pressure and other issues. Her hemoglobin is low, her potassium is very high, her kidneys aren’t working, and her electrolytes are all off." (Around 5am 2/8/23) UPDATE: SHE IS DOING BETTER, but moved to rehab for a period of time. Continue to pray for her husband, family, and church family. 2/16/23 
  • Carl Odell - UPDATE: WAS ABLE TO EXERCISE AT GYM 2-17-23 Praise the Lord.


  • Dave DeCaire in ICU - septic UTI infection - Amy Elea's dad 
  • Diane Hip treatment on 2/27/23
  • Chloe Rochester - surgery successful, waiting on results from tumor
  • Missionary Stan Skriloff recently diagnosed CANCER free, rang the bell yesterday after taking his LAST CHEMO treatment! UPDATE: THIS LAST TREATMENT IS GIVING HIM A FEROCIOUSLY PAINFUL HEADACHE! PRAY THE PAIN WILL EASE AND Pray God will give him strength to carry on the work He loves so much!
  • Pam Shumate - health (our niece) Her mom says she is not doing well at all.
  • Linda Sue Williams - Special Dr. appointment Thursday the 23rd. Please pray Doctors can find answers to her illnesses. 
  • John Barton - heart health
  • Sheila Paynter - health
  • Please, pray for our daughter Lita in her health journey with Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. ANSWER TO PRAYER - A new bed arrived yesterday. Please pray that God will move with regards to her future situation in health and finances. Thank you for praying. Click on the link to learn more about this awful disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. We have some much-needed equipment arriving Tuesday, Valentines Day and we praise the Lord for His provision. 
  • Bro. Tom's SHOULDER - Please continue to pray for his shoulder, and that God would heal it completely. His doctor says Surgery is out of the question at his age.
  • Lillian Kendall (my sister)  May God touch her in a real way giving her healing, comfort, peace. UPDATE: 2-16-23 SHE is feeling a little better today. Keep praying. 
  • PAPER FOR PRINT SHOP - is a big prayer request! God knows.
  • Edie Smith (my sister) needs a touch from heaven to heal her body.
  • David Douglass - had a knee replacement surgery and has had complications and much pain.
  • Gladys, Hand surgery to remove a cyst on March 3rd.
  • DJ needs a special touch from heaven. (Shannon's son and she has asked us to pray for DJ - God Knows!) - please pray especially for his mother who is greatly burdened for the right result for DJ.
  • David Harrison - cancer UPDATE - Pastor Harrison has stage 4 cancer and it has metastasized throughout his body! He had started a new treatment yesterday 2-15-23, please pray he does well.  A praise - His health team are phenomenal - that is so important!
  • Brady Rochester - diagnosed with Parkinson's and Neuropathy.
  • Jim Bove ~ Needs a special touch from heaven for some personal issues. God knows! Please pray for his understanding and wisdom in health choices.
  • Dolly ~ God knows and has the answers.
  • Kaycee Scalise and hi-risk pregnancy. 
  • Barbara - last stages of organ cancer. 
  • Lorraine - praise the LORD for your healing touch.
  • Lorrie - salvation.
  • Wayne Corfman - pacemaker check went well but, he has a few more months of monitoring and will get his pacemaker changed out soon. He will be seeing his cardiologist more often. It is hard to believe it is time to get a new one. (Ten years since he died in my car and was revived!) Please pray for wisdom for his caregivers!
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Larissa, Helene, Calvin, Dominic, Rocky, Cindy - Our group home folks. Also, please pray for all of their caregivers.
  • Pastor Mike Schneider, power and confidence to preach the whole counsel of God!
  • Judy Lewis - Pray that her health recovery continues to improve.
  • Dickie and Debbie Reynolds - Dickie's pacemaker replacement has been a real help, praise the LORD. 
  • Robbie Colt ~ needs double lung replacement after total damage of lungs by covid, also pray in the loss of his father to covid, and his stepmother. 
  • Walter - is doing very well after treatment.
  • Brenda Milam - wisdom and health (Tom's sister)
  • The Henshaw's health
  • PJ - heart surgery, PRAY he can come off of the breathing machine, complications of blood clots in the brain and in his legs. Please continue to pray - for him and family!
  • John Odom - aneurisms. 
  • Louise Odom - cancer treatments. UPDATE: Radiation treatments still going well. Continue to pray for God to heal her cancer. 
  • Connie - continued healing. Pray for continued success for Nana's Legacy as well.
  • LeeAnn health.
  • Pastor Greg Booher - health
  • David Wiles - Cancer recovery and healing.
  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD for answered prayers - Pray for Mrs. Carolyn as his caregiver and a healing touch on her body. And Ya'll wish her a happy birthday!
  • These families have lost loved ones to death in the last few months: John Isler, Larry Goodman, Frank Sparks, Lucinda Lane, Randy Rolle, Ruth Kemp, Bill Alley, Keith Cook, Cathy Harrison, Rachel Vance, Gail Tipton, Bob DeSalvio, Gail Tipton, Peters Family, Davis and Tichnell Family, Tudino family, Fuentes Family, DeSalvio Family, Thompson Family, The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie, Lucinda Lane Family (my beautiful sister-in-love), Keith Cook Family (our nephew and Tom's sister Florences' son), The Leo Family, The Echeverria Vallejos family in the homegoing of Patricia's father, The Baker Family, Richard Rosenmeier family, Jerry Kruchkow family, the Clingaman family, Carter Family, Mary Nutter Family
  • Shannon - health problems, grieving in loss of father. Pray for her son, DJ he is need of a miracle from heaven. God knows!
  • Carolyn Holerger - having numerous "cancer" spots removed from her face, neck and shoulder. Please pray for her pain level, anxiety, and especially her heart. 
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. Keep her in your prayers please. She is still experiencing a lot of pain. She has contracted a cold, please pray it will not get worse. Hard on a 91-year-old. We are thankful for this wonderful home for a few months stay till the Lord moves us on.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry - PLEASE Pray our paper supply will continue - we are still not able to purchase COVER STOCK, but we praise the Lord for our previous pastor's wisdom in buying several truckloads of this precious product. Only God knew what we would be facing today with shortages, and we have the "widows' mite" we are working from. We have started negotiating with equipment vendors, particularly for the color and black and white printers! We seek wisdom and discernment in this area!
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, our strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Dicky and Debbie Reynolds - health
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Pastor Johnny J. health and recovering well from surgery thank you for your prayers.
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Lucinda Lane Family - pray for my brother Joe. This is a hard transition for anyone, but his health is poor as well.
  • Paul Tipton - pray for Bro. Paul home giving ministry updates and getting ready to go back to serving God in Nicaragua without his helper and bride.
  • Penny - special unspoken - pray for her husband Mike - health, AND THE LOSS OF HER FATHER-IN-LAW.
  • Billy Ward - health and continued healing, Sonja his bride and caregiver.
  • Benjamin - surgery went well, pray for his recovery which may be long.
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength.
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"!
  • Sandra Parsons - her call to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing WAS a blessing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement. 

February 28 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional


I John 3:2; Psalm 63:5

The world offers only a temporary fix, pleasure is but for a short time, and then gone. For us, the believer, we live in hope; Our dreams and expectations are in another world, not in this one that we dwell in now. This place is filled with disappointments, false peace and religious frivolities. The only satisfaction we can have in this life is to give ourselves totally to Jesus and God will supply our earthly and spiritual blessings. We will not live in vanity if our expectations are in God.

God has given us a bank account with blank checks, He expects   us to draw from it, it is ours, we can fill out the checks as the needs and desires arise. He has riches we can draw from, namely: faith and His lovingkindness, promises that He will honor as we dip into the account. We will never receive a returned check for insufficient or depleted funds. God will answer what you lay at his throne, it will not be voided nor taken lightly, so we can approach the throne of grace with boldness and an expectation that He will hear and deliver the goods. It is not wrong for us to call on God in this life and expect an answer, but our expectations go far beyond this life,  it is over yonder, the next life that draws us.  We will die soon, and our expectations tell us that God will be there to take us safely home. Whether God Himself reaches down and lifts the spirit out or angels are dispatched to carry the spirit home, we will hear a voice someday that will speak, “come with me,” and we will fly away and then we will be like Him. Presently we remain, so live for Jesus, dare to be like Him and your needs and desires will be met.


O come, angel band, 

Come and around me stand.

O Bear me away on your snowy wings, 

To my immortal home.

Lyrics from the Song "O Come Angel Band"

Daily Jewel:

“Dare to be like Him, and your needs and desires will be met.”

Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 34-36

Weekly Memory Verses: Romans 1:14-17 

Romans 1:14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. 15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

With love and prayers, may we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam, Missionaries to America and Around the World 

February 27 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

 “My Resting Place Is Yet To Be!”

Psalm 90:1; Psalm 91:9

I woke up this morning very tired; I thought, I sure would like to rest today, but after praying my heart was too burdened to think of resting. There is just so much to do, people are hurting, lives are distressed, distraught, and disillusioned. A rest will come someday, and I will welcome it with delight.

In this life we are called upon to change and we don’t like it, our flesh cries out and puts up a defense. The children of Israel had to constantly change, they could not settle down, about the time they would get rather comfortable, God would speak to them to take the ark and the cloud by day and the fire by night would rise above and in front of them and they would have to move; they had no resting place, Canaan was still ahead of them.

Our ministries change, the death of a loved one makes us change, our vocation changes, and people change as we move about to accommodate our lifestyles. Our abiding places here are rather unsure at times, looking on the temporal, but in God we have a dwelling place, a rest if you please. Though the children of Israel wandered, God was their rest. So, it is with us; we are called upon to change, and we should not be afraid, because God is our home, our refuge. As Christians we may be rich today and poor tomorrow, happy one day and sad the next; we might be dreadfully sick today, but well tomorrow; But our relationship (resting place) with God doesn’t change. If God gave me a promise and loved me yesterday, He does it today as well. My rest is in God until I rest with Him There.


I’m only a pilgrim and stranger, 

in this suffering world that I roam,

But Jesus who called me from darkness, 

has promised me a heavenly home. (Psalm 71:3)

                        -Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“ God we have a dwelling place, a rest if you please.....”

Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 30-31

Weekly Memory Verses: Romans 1:14-17 

Romans 1:14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. 15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

With love and prayers, may we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam, Missionaries to America and Around the World 

Monday, February 27, 2023

February 27, 2023, ~ Linda K. Milam February Devotions: "Compassion"

And so, I continue. . . 
That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works. Psalms 26:7

Colossians 3:12-13 ~ Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; 13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.  KJV  

Who are we that we can believe that we can use the gifts of God to hurt others? My very being is because God saw fit to bring me into this world alive; many are not. To give me the ability to speak, hear, feel, smell, taste; many do not have. The knowledge I have of salvation; many are not saved. The faith of God to heal and help me in times of need; many do not have this comfort.

The power of the tongue is mighty! Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: . . ." if I know I am saved and a child of God, Paul tells me that I am ". . . the elect of God, holy and beloved, . . ." He has shown mercy and grace on me, and I call Him my Father through Jesus His Son. It is my responsibility to ensure that others see Him in me, and when there IS a conflict with a brother or another, I am to forgive, and forbear. It is what I want to do. When I know that there are problems between myself and someone else, I can't wait to get things right. I may not understand the whys; but God does, and He will resolve all issues before me. And when I ask for forgiveness or give forgiveness, I have obeyed God.

There are many lost people today who have been offended in some way by a Christian or a Church. How can they be saved if we cannot lower our pride to try to make things right. We may not fully agree with their thinking, but that isn't what Paul is saying here. We are to forgive as Christ forgave us. I venture to say, the Lord doesn't think I am right all the time when it comes to my disobedience to Him. 

O Lord, help us in our walk every day to keep "pride" away and humble ourselves enough to forgive, or to be forgiven and to resolve all quarrels among us. It is Your way, and we want You prevalent in our lives. When there is conflict, it is hard to focus on You! Help us we pray every day! AMEN


PLEASE PRAY WITH US THAT GOD WILL GIVE US A HOME OF OUR OWN SOON. THANK YOU! We looked at an option Friday. We are asking God for wisdom, trusting Him for our every need.

In the name of Jesus, may we be HIS emissaries and used by Him to help others.

HE CARES! Do You Know HIM?  Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.  With love and prayers, may we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 

Tom and Linda Milam ~ Missionaries to America and around the world! 

Listen to Bro. Tom on "The Jewel For The Day" program, every Monday - Friday at 6am and 2pm EST.


  • PRINT SHOP PUNCHER ISSUE IS RESOLVED! PRAISE THE LORD, ALSO OUR TRIMMER IS REPAIRED AS WELL AS THE LAMINATOR! ALL the result of that good meeting you helped us pray about last week. God provided and we were not charged one penny
  • Also, praise the LORD for the paper Maranatha Baptist IN Princeton WV gave us - Gospel tracts are on the way to the cartel on this paper. . . pray for souls saved and safety for the missionaries who carry it with God's protection. This trip they have been approved by two heads of state in these cartels, to set up a "church" building. They have been meeting in open air areas, and many have trusted Christ as their Saviour! The more that are saved, peace reins in their homes and communities. O the stories that can be told! Pray that God will provide all that is needed! 
  • Pastor Weido is now cancer free! 02-02-23
  • Pastor Cooper did well in surgery 2-7-23 pray for complete healing
  • Walter's surgery was a success! He is continuing to recover but still needs our prayers! 2-15-23
  • Brian McBride's surgery went well, waiting for tests. 02-02-23
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it.  Miss Shirley came to volunteer along with Miss Elaine for 5 days straight! They finished up 60,000 Gospel Tracts, and 50,000 to go! Praise the Lord! 2-15-23 we are picking Miss Shirley up for work again! Keep on praying, God is moving!
  • Pastor's wife, Mrs. Brown. Prayer Request - "Please pray for my pastor’s wife, Mrs. Brown. She is in the ER with very low blood pressure and other issues. Her hemoglobin is low, her potassium is very high, her kidneys aren’t working, and her electrolytes are all off." (Around 5am 2/8/23) UPDATE: SHE IS DOING BETTER, but moved to rehab for a period of time. Continue to pray for her husband, family, and church family. 2/16/23 
  • Carl Odell - UPDATE: WAS ABLE TO EXERCISE AT GYM 2-17-23 Praise the Lord.


  • Dave DeCaire in ICU - septic UTI infection - Amy Elea's dad 
  • Diane Hip treatment on 2/27/23
  • Chloe Rochester - surgery successful, waiting on results from tumor
  • Missionary Stan Skriloff recently diagnosed CANCER free, rang the bell yesterday after taking his LAST CHEMO treatment! UPDATE: THIS LAST TREATMENT IS GIVING HIM A FEROCIOUSLY PAINFUL HEADACHE! PRAY THE PAIN WILL EASE AND Pray God will give him strength to carry on the work He loves so much!
  • Pam Shumate - health (our niece) Her mom says she is not doing well at all.
  • Linda Sue Williams - Special Dr. appointment Thursday the 23rd. Please pray Doctors can find answers to her illnesses. 
  • John Barton - heart health
  • Sheila Paynter - health
  • Please, pray for our daughter Lita in her health journey with Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. ANSWER TO PRAYER - A new bed arrived yesterday. Please pray that God will move with regards to her future situation in health and finances. Thank you for praying. Click on the link to learn more about this awful disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. We have some much-needed equipment arriving Tuesday, Valentines Day and we praise the Lord for His provision. 
  • Bro. Tom's SHOULDER - Please continue to pray for his shoulder, and that God would heal it completely. His doctor says Surgery is out of the question at his age.
  • Lillian Kendall (my sister)  May God touch her in a real way giving her healing, comfort, peace. UPDATE: 2-16-23 SHE is feeling a little better today. Keep praying. 
  • PAPER FOR PRINT SHOP - is a big prayer request! God knows.
  • Edie Smith (my sister) needs a touch from heaven to heal her body.
  • David Douglass - had a knee replacement surgery and has had complications and much pain.
  • Gladys, Hand surgery to remove a cyst on March 3rd.
  • DJ needs a special touch from heaven. (Shannon's son and she has asked us to pray for DJ - God Knows!) - please pray especially for his mother who is greatly burdened for the right result for DJ.
  • David Harrison - cancer UPDATE - Pastor Harrison has stage 4 cancer and it has metastasized throughout his body! He had started a new treatment yesterday 2-15-23, please pray he does well.  A praise - His health team are phenomenal - that is so important!
  • Brady Rochester - diagnosed with Parkinson's and Neuropathy.
  • Jim Bove ~ Needs a special touch from heaven for some personal issues. God knows! Please pray for his understanding and wisdom in health choices.
  • Dolly ~ God knows and has the answers.
  • Kaycee Scalise and hi-risk pregnancy. 
  • Barbara - last stages of organ cancer. 
  • Lorraine - praise the LORD for your healing touch.
  • Lorrie - salvation.
  • Wayne Corfman - pacemaker check went well but, he has a few more months of monitoring and will get his pacemaker changed out soon. He will be seeing his cardiologist more often. It is hard to believe it is time to get a new one. (Ten years since he died in my car and was revived!) Please pray for wisdom for his caregivers!
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Larissa, Helene, Calvin, Dominic, Rocky, Cindy - Our group home folks. Also, please pray for all of their caregivers.
  • Pastor Mike Schneider, power and confidence to preach the whole counsel of God!
  • Judy Lewis - Pray that her health recovery continues to improve.
  • Dickie and Debbie Reynolds - Dickie's pacemaker replacement has been a real help, praise the LORD. 
  • Robbie Colt ~ needs double lung replacement after total damage of lungs by covid, also pray in the loss of his father to covid, and his stepmother. 
  • Walter - is doing very well after treatment.
  • Brenda Milam - wisdom and health (Tom's sister)
  • The Henshaw's health
  • PJ - heart surgery, PRAY he can come off of the breathing machine, complications of blood clots in the brain and in his legs. Please continue to pray - for him and family!
  • John Odom - aneurisms. 
  • Louise Odom - cancer treatments. UPDATE: Radiation treatments still going well. Continue to pray for God to heal her cancer. 
  • Connie - continued healing. Pray for continued success for Nana's Legacy as well.
  • LeeAnn health.
  • Pastor Greg Booher - health
  • David Wiles - Cancer recovery and healing.
  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD for answered prayers - Pray for Mrs. Carolyn as his caregiver and a healing touch on her body. And Ya'll wish her a happy birthday!
  • These families have lost loved ones to death in the last few months: John Isler, Larry Goodman, Frank Sparks, Lucinda Lane, Randy Rolle, Ruth Kemp, Bill Alley, Keith Cook, Cathy Harrison, Rachel Vance, Gail Tipton, Bob DeSalvio, Gail Tipton, Peters Family, Davis and Tichnell Family, Tudino family, Fuentes Family, DeSalvio Family, Thompson Family, The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie, Lucinda Lane Family (my beautiful sister-in-love), Keith Cook Family (our nephew and Tom's sister Florences' son), The Leo Family, The Echeverria Vallejos family in the homegoing of Patricia's father, The Baker Family, Richard Rosenmeier family, Jerry Kruchkow family, the Clingaman family, Carter Family, Mary Nutter Family
  • Shannon - health problems, grieving in loss of father. Pray for her son, DJ he is need of a miracle from heaven. God knows!
  • Carolyn Holerger - having numerous "cancer" spots removed from her face, neck and shoulder. Please pray for her pain level, anxiety, and especially her heart. 
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. Keep her in your prayers please. She is still experiencing a lot of pain. She has contracted a cold, please pray it will not get worse. Hard on a 91-year-old. We are thankful for this wonderful home for a few months stay till the Lord moves us on.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry - PLEASE Pray our paper supply will continue - we are still not able to purchase COVER STOCK, but we praise the Lord for our previous pastor's wisdom in buying several truckloads of this precious product. Only God knew what we would be facing today with shortages, and we have the "widows' mite" we are working from. We have started negotiating with equipment vendors, particularly for the color and black and white printers! We seek wisdom and discernment in this area!
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, our strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Dicky and Debbie Reynolds - health
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Pastor Johnny J. health and recovering well from surgery thank you for your prayers.
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Lucinda Lane Family - pray for my brother Joe. This is a hard transition for anyone, but his health is poor as well.
  • Paul Tipton - pray for Bro. Paul home giving ministry updates and getting ready to go back to serving God in Nicaragua without his helper and bride.
  • Penny - special unspoken - pray for her husband Mike - health, AND THE LOSS OF HER FATHER-IN-LAW.
  • Billy Ward - health and continued healing, Sonja his bride and caregiver.
  • Benjamin - surgery went well, pray for his recovery which may be long.
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength.
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"!
  • Sandra Parsons - her call to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing WAS a blessing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26, 2023, ~ Linda K. Milam February Devotions: "Compassion"

And so, I continue. . . 
That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works. Psalms 26:7

Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. KJV 

"Because God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven you, therefore be ye followers of God, imitators of God. Resemble him especially in his love and pardoning goodness, as becomes those beloved by their heavenly Father. In Christ's sacrifice his love triumphs, and we are to consider it fully." (Spurgeon)

Who loved us the most, God or His Son? What a crazy question? But think about it a minute. Would it be harder for you to die for others or watch your son die for others? Whose love would be the greatest? Well, in the case of Jesus and God, they are one in the same with the Holy Spirit. But Jesus precious blood shed on Calvary (not just a little bit, but all of it) was the offering and sacrifice that had to happen to cover the sins of all man. He shed this blood out of love for us, and for the Father in Heaven Who demanded a holy sacrifice for sin. Only Jesus blood would be that ". . . sweetsmelling savour." God was waiting for. 

Paul is instructing the Christians to walk in love as Jesus did for us. We are to follow after Him in character towards others. He loved us so much that He made a way for us to go to heaven, and I am forever thankful that on that day I asked Jesus to save me, HE DID. That is what He died for. He is not going to turn any of us down if we come to Him with a humble, broken-hearted spirit wanting only to admit to Him that we are sinners looking for forgiveness, and that we love Him, asking for our salvation, and then knowing that no matter what happens, we will be in Heaven with Him one day. He loves us and that is how we are to love others.

But others around us are still lost, fumbling around in a world full of sin and selfishness and yet they KNOW that there is more, not knowing that Jesus can give them total freedom. There is something missing and that is a life without Christ. When they admit their inability to do anything for themselves to save them from the awful sinful life they live, and if they want relief and help, and to get that help they must surrender in sorrow and humbleness before a Holy God and beg forgiveness, repenting of their sin, and asking Jesus to save them. Until then, they will stay lost in this awful world and if they die before Jesus returns, they will forever burn in hell. They need the Gospel and if you are a Christian around people like this, you MUST share the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST! It is the lost persons way to sanctuary and life ever after in Jesus. 

Friend, are you lost? Have you ever realized that you are a sinner, and your final destination is hell? Have you admitted to yourself you need help, and you aren't sure where to turn for that help? May I suggest to you that you might need to be saved? John 3:16 says it all! "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Whosoever in this verse means "whosoever" ~ not just for some but ALL. For you! Won't you ask Him to be your Saviour today? He is ever so loving and He is waiting, just for YOU! Make this Lord's day, February 26, 2023, the day that you turn your whole life around. He loves you.


PLEASE PRAY WITH US THAT GOD WILL GIVE US A HOME OF OUR OWN SOON. THANK YOU! We looked at an option Friday. We are asking God for wisdom, trusting Him for our every need.

In the name of Jesus, may we be HIS emissaries and used by Him to help others.

HE CARES! Do You Know HIM?  Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.  With love and prayers, may we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 

Tom and Linda Milam ~ Missionaries to America and around the world! 

Listen to Bro. Tom on "The Jewel For The Day" program, every Monday - Friday at 6am and 2pm EST.


  • PRINT SHOP PUNCHER ISSUE IS RESOLVED! PRAISE THE LORD, ALSO OUR TRIMMER IS REPAIRED AS WELL AS THE LAMINATOR! ALL the result of that good meeting you helped us pray about last week. God provided and we were not charged one penny
  • Also, praise the LORD for the paper Maranatha Baptist IN Princeton WV gave us - Gospel tracts are on the way to the cartel on this paper. . . pray for souls saved and safety for the missionaries who carry it with God's protection. This trip they have been approved by two heads of state in these cartels, to set up a "church" building. They have been meeting in open air areas, and many have trusted Christ as their Saviour! The more that are saved, peace reins in their homes and communities. O the stories that can be told! Pray that God will provide all that is needed! 
  • Pastor Weido is now cancer free! 02-02-23
  • Pastor Cooper did well in surgery 2-7-23 pray for complete healing
  • Walter's surgery was a success! He is continuing to recover but still needs our prayers! 2-15-23
  • Brian McBride's surgery went well, waiting for tests. 02-02-23
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry and all that goes on with it.  Miss Shirley came to volunteer along with Miss Elaine for 5 days straight! They finished up 60,000 Gospel Tracts, and 50,000 to go! Praise the Lord! 2-15-23 we are picking Miss Shirley up for work again! Keep on praying, God is moving!
  • Pastor's wife, Mrs. Brown. Prayer Request - "Please pray for my pastor’s wife, Mrs. Brown. She is in the ER with very low blood pressure and other issues. Her hemoglobin is low, her potassium is very high, her kidneys aren’t working, and her electrolytes are all off." (Around 5am 2/8/23) UPDATE: SHE IS DOING BETTER, but moved to rehab for a period of time. Continue to pray for her husband, family, and church family. 2/16/23 
  • Carl Odell - UPDATE: WAS ABLE TO EXERCISE AT GYM 2-17-23 Praise the Lord.


  • Dave DeCaire in ICU - septic UTI infection - Amy Elea's dad 
  • Diane Hip treatment on 2/27/23
  • Chloe Rochester - surgery successful, waiting on results from tumor
  • Missionary Stan Skriloff recently diagnosed CANCER free, rang the bell yesterday after taking his LAST CHEMO treatment! UPDATE: THIS LAST TREATMENT IS GIVING HIM A FEROCIOUSLY PAINFUL HEADACHE! PRAY THE PAIN WILL EASE AND Pray God will give him strength to carry on the work He loves so much!
  • Pam Shumate - health (our niece) Her mom says she is not doing well at all.
  • Linda Sue Williams - Special Dr. appointment Thursday the 23rd. Please pray Doctors can find answers to her illnesses. 
  • John Barton - heart health
  • Sheila Paynter - health
  • Please, pray for our daughter Lita in her health journey with Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. ANSWER TO PRAYER - A new bed arrived yesterday. Please pray that God will move with regards to her future situation in health and finances. Thank you for praying. Click on the link to learn more about this awful disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. We have some much-needed equipment arriving Tuesday, Valentines Day and we praise the Lord for His provision. 
  • Bro. Tom's SHOULDER - Please continue to pray for his shoulder, and that God would heal it completely. His doctor says Surgery is out of the question at his age.
  • Lillian Kendall (my sister)  May God touch her in a real way giving her healing, comfort, peace. UPDATE: 2-16-23 SHE is feeling a little better today. Keep praying. 
  • PAPER FOR PRINT SHOP - is a big prayer request! God knows.
  • Edie Smith (my sister) needs a touch from heaven to heal her body.
  • David Douglass - had a knee replacement surgery and has had complications and much pain.
  • Gladys, Hand surgery to remove a cyst on March 3rd.
  • DJ needs a special touch from heaven. (Shannon's son and she has asked us to pray for DJ - God Knows!) - please pray especially for his mother who is greatly burdened for the right result for DJ.
  • David Harrison - cancer UPDATE - Pastor Harrison has stage 4 cancer and it has metastasized throughout his body! He had started a new treatment yesterday 2-15-23, please pray he does well.  A praise - His health team are phenomenal - that is so important!
  • Brady Rochester - diagnosed with Parkinson's and Neuropathy.
  • Jim Bove ~ Needs a special touch from heaven for some personal issues. God knows! Please pray for his understanding and wisdom in health choices.
  • Dolly ~ God knows and has the answers.
  • Kaycee Scalise and hi-risk pregnancy. 
  • Barbara - last stages of organ cancer. 
  • Lorraine - praise the LORD for your healing touch.
  • Lorrie - salvation.
  • Wayne Corfman - pacemaker check went well but, he has a few more months of monitoring and will get his pacemaker changed out soon. He will be seeing his cardiologist more often. It is hard to believe it is time to get a new one. (Ten years since he died in my car and was revived!) Please pray for wisdom for his caregivers!
  • Sharon J. Her mom Kathryn's health.
  • Larissa, Helene, Calvin, Dominic, Rocky, Cindy - Our group home folks. Also, please pray for all of their caregivers.
  • Pastor Mike Schneider, power and confidence to preach the whole counsel of God!
  • Judy Lewis - Pray that her health recovery continues to improve.
  • Dickie and Debbie Reynolds - Dickie's pacemaker replacement has been a real help, praise the LORD. 
  • Robbie Colt ~ needs double lung replacement after total damage of lungs by covid, also pray in the loss of his father to covid, and his stepmother. 
  • Walter - is doing very well after treatment.
  • Brenda Milam - wisdom and health (Tom's sister)
  • The Henshaw's health
  • PJ - heart surgery, PRAY he can come off of the breathing machine, complications of blood clots in the brain and in his legs. Please continue to pray - for him and family!
  • John Odom - aneurisms. 
  • Louise Odom - cancer treatments. UPDATE: Radiation treatments still going well. Continue to pray for God to heal her cancer. 
  • Connie - continued healing. Pray for continued success for Nana's Legacy as well.
  • LeeAnn health.
  • Pastor Greg Booher - health
  • David Wiles - Cancer recovery and healing.
  • Pastor Bernard Antonis ~ HEALTH, PRAISE THE LORD for answered prayers - Pray for Mrs. Carolyn as his caregiver and a healing touch on her body. And Ya'll wish her a happy birthday!
  • These families have lost loved ones to death in the last few months: John Isler, Larry Goodman, Frank Sparks, Lucinda Lane, Randy Rolle, Ruth Kemp, Bill Alley, Keith Cook, Cathy Harrison, Rachel Vance, Gail Tipton, Bob DeSalvio, Gail Tipton, Peters Family, Davis and Tichnell Family, Tudino family, Fuentes Family, DeSalvio Family, Thompson Family, The Toler Family in the homegoing of Donnie, Lucinda Lane Family (my beautiful sister-in-love), Keith Cook Family (our nephew and Tom's sister Florences' son), The Leo Family, The Echeverria Vallejos family in the homegoing of Patricia's father, The Baker Family, Richard Rosenmeier family, Jerry Kruchkow family, the Clingaman family, Carter Family, Mary Nutter Family
  • Shannon - health problems, grieving in loss of father. Pray for her son, DJ he is need of a miracle from heaven. God knows!
  • Carolyn Holerger - having numerous "cancer" spots removed from her face, neck and shoulder. Please pray for her pain level, anxiety, and especially her heart. 
  • Pray for Sister Cora and her hip healing from a fall and surgery. Praise the Lord! Keep her in your prayers please. She is still experiencing a lot of pain. She has contracted a cold, please pray it will not get worse. Hard on a 91 year old. We are thankful for this wonderful home for a few months stay till the Lord moves us on.
  • Pray for the Printing Ministry - PLEASE Pray our paper supply will continue - we are still not able to purchase COVER STOCK, but we praise the Lord for our previous pastor's wisdom in buying several truckloads of this precious product. Only God knew what we would be facing today with shortages, and we have the "widows' mite" we are working from. We have started negotiating with equipment vendors, particularly for the color and black and white printers! We seek wisdom and discernment in this area!
  • Pray for the Mission Team coming in June that we will be able to finish all the work they will do for the few days they are with us.
  • Pray for me and Tom; our health, our strength, and our service.
  • Robyn-Health
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Cathy-Health
  • Dicky and Debbie Reynolds - health
  • Marsha-Health and ankle pain
  • Pastor Johnny J. health and recovering well from surgery thank you for your prayers.
  • Carol and Richard-Health
  • Lucinda Lane Family - pray for my brother Joe. This is a hard transition for anyone, but his health is poor as well.
  • Paul Tipton - pray for Bro. Paul home giving ministry updates and getting ready to go back to serving God in Nicaragua without his helper and bride.
  • Penny - special unspoken - pray for her husband Mike - health, AND THE LOSS OF HER FATHER-IN-LAW.
  • Billy Ward - health and continued healing, Sonja his bride and caregiver.
  • Benjamin - surgery went well, pray for his recovery which may be long.
  • Elaine - continued good health and strength.
  • Linwood - health
  • Pray diligently for all those that carry the title "Caregiver"!
  • Sandra Parsons - her call to encourage the servants at FBC Publications & Printing WAS a blessing. 90-year-old pastors' wife, now living alone at her church after her husband's homegoing. Saved 72 years loves the LORD God more today than ever. A real blessing and encouragement.