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Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 11 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

“Are You Anything Like Christ?”

Acts 4:1-22

If we were what we should be, what we profess to be, and what we could be, we would certainly resemble Christ. Are we imitating Him? Do we look enough like Him that the world can make no mistake about who we are walking with?

Our boldness should demonstrate Jesus in our daily walk as a Christian; valiant and triumphant. Is our spirit, one of kindness and love? Do we practice kind thoughts? Do we speak with kindness and love?  Do we speak with kindness and compassion? Do we do enough kindness that others can see that we’ve been with Jesus?

Does our holiness imitate Jesus? Is our zeal selfish or does it uphold the Master and His teaching? Time is rapidly fading, are we doing all the good we can? Do you have selfish interests? Shouldn’t we follow Scripture without doubt and be self-denying? Jesus never failed His Father, was devoted and hungered to do the Fathers will. Shouldn’t we be totally submissive to His will also? Shouldn’t we allow patience to work in and through us, and learn to endure hardness?

The most accurate picture of Jesus that would be painted in our lives is the portrait of forgiveness. Can you forgive as you’ve been forgiven? The best way to take care of your enemy is to love him to death! Practicing good for evil. Is practicing Christ-likeness. (Luke 23:24)

“This Is What I’ll Do!”

“I’ll give you a mouthful if you’re not careful, 

I’ll tell you of Jesus and His forgiving love;  

I’ll give you an ear-full that might make you tearful,

I’ll paint you a picture from above;   

I’ll give you a heart-full that is spiritual, 

And pray the entrance of the 'Dove'.”

-Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“The best way to take care of your enemy, is to love him to death!”

Daily Scripture Reading: Leviticus 26-27       

Weekly Memory Verses: Romans 6:11-15

With love and prayers,
May we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Tom and Linda Milam, Missionaries to America and Around the World 


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