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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

May 6, 2023 ~ LKMilam May 2023 Devotions: Fruitful

And so, I continue. . . That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works. Psalms 26:7

Proverbs 11:30-31 ~ 30 ¶The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. 31 ¶Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner. KJV 

“The fruit of the righteous – that is to say his life – is not a thing fastened upon him, but it grows out of him…. Look to it more and more that your religion is real, true, natural, vital – not artificial, constrained, superficial, a thing of times, days, places, a fungus produced by excitement, a fermentation generated by meetings and stirred by oratory. We all need a religion which can live either in a wilderness, or in a crowd; a religion which will show itself in every walk of life, and in every company.” (Spurgeon) 

One of the greatest exercises of wisdom given by God, is to win souls to God for His honor and glory. Someone shared the Gospel with me, and I got saved. I am the fruit of their "exercise", their obedience to God in sharing the Gospel. I have led many people to the LORD over the years, and I am grateful for each and every one of them. I recently attended the funeral of a one of our dear saints, Miss Annie, who passed suddenly into the arms of the Lord. While at the service, a beautiful young lady walked up to me and said, Miss Linda!  She reached out and gave me the biggest hug and smile ever. She was the granddaughter of Miss Annie. 

Aliya shared a precious memory with me. In 2003, I lead Aliya to the Lord as a bus kid! She said she had gone on to graduate from high school, college, and was still forever grateful for the time I took to share the Gospel with her. It soothed my heart in the loss of her grandmother to know that her heritage as a Christian, will continue on.  We will only know in heaven those we may have shared the Gospel with who got saved.  Over my 40 plus years in the Bus ministry - I could share story after story of lives that were changed because of the Gospel. How many you may ask? Heaven will tell! I surely couldn't remember them all. To win a soul for Christ is the ultimate reward here on earth! To win souls, you must love them. To win souls is a battle with the devil. When we love them through Christ, the battle we may face will already have been won! 

Carry a Gospel tract with you always; you never know when God will give you the opportunity to win a soul to Christ! Make yourself ready, biblically, heart and soul. Winning souls for the soul winner should be so ingrained in us that we are forever looking for that one who is closest to hell. Win them and snatch them from the clutches of evil and the devil. 

Hell was not made for people; it was made for one purpose and that was to divide the devil and his demons from the people and forever from God. The devil will take as many there as he possibly can!  We know that from his own mouth. He can't win, and he will be confined forever and an eternity in the lake of fire along with all those who reject Jesus as their Saviour. Compel them to hear the Gospel, make sure you are ready and fired up to share that Gospel with all that you meet! I am forever grateful that God reminded me through Aliya, that lives of the lost sinner are so worth it!  

HE CARES! Lost person, Do You Want to Know HIM?  Lord, help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You. Amen.  With love and prayers, may we be your faithful Philippians 2:16 Missionaries?

Listen to Bro. Tom on "The Jewel For The Day" program, every Monday - Friday at 6am and 2pm EST.

In the name of Jesus, may we be HIS emissaries and used by Him to help others. 

Tom and Linda Milam

Missionaries to America and around the world! 

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 


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