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Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Look at My Heart" ~ LKMilam

January 28th, 2018
"Look at My Heart" ~ LKMilam
- morning devotion.
As I was praying this morning an instance came to mind of a 6-year-old, blond, curly headed, little girl who wanted to make sure God was looking at her heart and hearing her prayers.
We work with children all around America, and none are more precious than the ones who have “captured” what being a Christian is and how they should live for Christ. This little girl knew that God would hear her prayer, but she just wanted to make sure He really could hear her “heart”. 
She sat on my lap, weeping and looking for an answer to her prayer.  She shared with me, that every time she prayed, she would open her eyes wide, look up towards heaven, so “Jesus can see inside my heart and know I really mean what I say, and I want him to help my family.” What a beautiful vision, and a beautiful heart this little one has for her loved ones.
Children are a blessing, and Jesus was very clear how much they mean to Him. “. . . Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14b.
This little girl was putting ALL of her trust in Jesus, and when I explained to her that Jesus just wanted her to talk with Him, and it was okay if she didn’t close her eyes, (she was a little worried about that) and He was definitely hearing her prayers.
Then the questions came.  If He loves me and He hears my prayers, why won’t He fix my family?  With tears in my eyes, I explained to her that God’s wisdom is greater than ours and He was answering her prayers.  She might not see the answer many times, not for weeks, months or years, and some have gone to Heaven not seeing their prayer answered. God’s timing is always perfect.  It is hard to make a child understand God’s ways, but she finally said, “I will keep praying, and trusting God is making things all right, His way. Would that be okay?”  I assured her that would definitely be okay.
Never give up praying for the people you love and just let God do His work in His time.
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

“This Last Day” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

This Last Day 
        No other day like it

Written on December 23, 1999 ~ first published in "Musing of a Mountain Missionary" Poetry book, Vol. 2

In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. (John 7:37)  

 Oh, the patience of the Saviour –

how He pleads and waits with grace;

Let us admire the long-suffering One -

As He charts our course with His faithful pace. 

 Bearing us up, year by year

wiping our faces, tear by tear;

Provoking we are, stubborn and rebellious -

Yet He extends His great mercy to us. 

 His entreating somber plea -

mournfully beckons –“Be reconciled to me“

What kind of love could reach so deep,

as to cause the Saviour to weep? 

 You would think that all sinners would fall -

Prostrate there, at such a pitiful call!

All is provided, your thirst He will quench,

of sins loathsome burden and its Hellish black stench.

 Don’t stand back on indecision's dark brink,

all you need has been provided –come freely and drink. 

This last day –for you was made –

Come seek His dear face before you watch it fade,

 A harlot, a thief or even a fool -

Can humbly fall and drink from His pool.

Poverty stricken, -Riches by far -

All can stoop down to this blood flowing bar. 

 Dry desert blisters on parched aching lips,

Sins leprous sores will not defile it as you sip.

But I’m so filthy, you say –I dare not touch it;

Yet come –O love desiring one -

A single touch will make you fit. 

 Come wandering one –His stream of love to ensue -

You’ll not pollute it; but it will purify you.

This last day, our hope is still Him;

Come reconcile, before the light gets too dim. 

 Snuggle up to Jesus –so to hear His voice;

You’ll find that answering the cry, is the very best choice.

This last day, stop and think;

As He pleads with love – “Come and drink.”               


Tom & Linda Milam

Missionaries to America

Phil. 2:16




Friday, January 26, 2018

“If the Lord is NOT my Shepherd” ~ H. Tom Milam

January 27, 2018
“If the Lord is NOT my Shepherd” ~ Tom Milam
Written on April 2, 2002

First published in "Musing of a Mountain Missionary" 
Poetry book, Vol. 2

If the Lord is not my shepherd, I shall always want!
I shall find no lasting rest,
I shall find no satisfaction,
tho’ green pastures surround my nest:
Will someone guide me for the best? 

I can never find longed for refreshment,
still waters have no movement.
Therefore makes no sound to allure me
 from the security of my tent;
If I’m not lead, I cannot find a place to lay my head,
Can someone teach me? I need fed. 

I shall not find restoration,
Because I do not know the depth of my separation.
Can someone show me consolation?
I shall not find a listening ear,
To counsel me while abiding here.
Will anyone take the time to care? 

I shall always need companions,
But where will they be when my valleys are canyons?
Who will stand with me to make a union? 

I shall always need a comforting touch,
My rod and staff is a crumbling crutch.
Age and use has brought me low,
Who can I lean on now, in life’s ebbing flow? 

I shall want more provision,
 Because the need is so great, while pondering decision;
Who shall set my table, as death I envision? 

I shall want for more power
As from death’s cold grip I tremble and cower.
Who will bring life to this fading flower? 

My vision is dim, I’m fading away;
I’m being emptied of life. Oh! What can I say?
This void would not be. Had I learned to pray? 

While living I wanted all I could get;
But I wagered my life and lost the bet!
Mercy is mocked and pity is passed;
Those things are now gone, that I so firmly grasped.
Will these things and I ever get together?
A voice says, “NO! YOU ARE LOST FOREVER!” 

And now I shall want for everything hereafter,
And the summation of the book is the sinners’ final chapter.
Who will go and follow me there?
All the days of my life, and the Prison House of Despair. 

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16                                                          

PART FOUR ~ “She hath done what she could:. . .” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

January 26, 2018

“She hath done what she could:. . .”  ~ first published in Dr. Milam's book, "Beside Still Waters" 

A teacher said to her students, bring something to class and we’ll determine what it illustrates. One little boy brought a salt shaker so the teacher said that illustrates that we’re the salt of the earth. Another student brought a candle, and the teacher said, that means we’re the light of the world. Then one little girl brought a Banty egg. The teacher said, I don’t know for sure what that illustrates, I don’t know of a bible verse that explains that. The little girl answered, “She’s done what she could.”  That’s all God expects, do what you’re capable of doing. You’re not as polished as somebody else, you don’t have the vocabulary that another has; but you can do something. And you ought to do what you can for the Lord because you love him! And you ought to do what you can to the limit, for the Lord. Go ahead and go the extra mile. Give your best and do what you can! Don’t come short of your best. To do less than your best is a sin! If you’re an “A” student and you make “B’s”, you’re sinning. But if you are a “B” student, God never expects you to make “A’s”. You can do better, I can do better. But we can’t do better than what God expects. (Faith) God doesn’t want us to just make it through. He wants our best; now doesn’t He deserve it? Every time I preach, I give it all I’ve got- every time you teach a class, or sing or come to worship, give it all you’ve got, and because that’s all God expects.
Put everything into it, so God can say of you, he did what he could. Then let everyone else do what they can do, and thank God for it. 1)  The meaning of Christian Service is doing all you can for the Glory of God. 2) The measure of service is doing what you can for the Glory of God. Is the “Good” that you do “Better” and then does you’re “Better” become your “Best”? 3) The motive of Christian Service:--- What motivates you? What motivated Mary of Bethany to do what she could? Let’s go back to verse one. There was a feast: a bunch of people were there, and since the story is about the Lord; He, of course was there, and probably Martha, and maybe even Lazarus also. When Mary preformed this great act of sacrificial service, some of the people murmured. Somebody said, why was this waste done before us? This could have been sold for 300 pence and given to the poor. (But Jesus said,) leave her along, she’s done what she could! She’s come to anoint my body for what’s going to happen in the next few days; I’ll be buried! (Poured it on His head, and it went over His body.)
Let’s get the full picture now: They’re all eating and sitting across the table from Mary and Lazarus, and she allows her mind to go back and see how sick her brother had been, not too long ago; but there he sits, eating and enjoying the fellowship. She remembered back in John chapter eleven when he first took sick. They sent for Jesus, but He didn’t come to minister to her brother on his sick bed, So her brother died, they had the funeral; they wrapped him in grave clothes and buried him, rolled a stone over the door and walked away from the grave yard, weeping and mourning, and faint in their hearts. Like any of us would have done, and he’d been dead four days before the Lord got there, and she’s remembering this.  Then she remembers Jesus coming and asking, “Where did you lay him?” Mary said, “We put him in that tomb right over there;”   Jesus then said, “Roll the stone away.” Mary said, I but Jesus responded with, “I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live and shall never die, therefore, roll the stone away.” She, no doubt, remembers their nervousness as they rolled the stone back. She’s reliving this scene as she sits there looking at Lazarus, as he smiles and laughs, and she remembers the experience in a grave yard, and she hears Jesus cry “Lazarus, come forth,” and she saw something moving, coming out of that tomb. It was her brother wrapped in grave clothes, looking like a mummy. Maybe he was trying to say something behind those wrappings. I’d say her eyes got real big and began to well up with joyous tears. Then Jesus said, “loose him and let him go!”  I would think that Mary said, “Martha let’s un-wind the grave clothes and see our brother.” I can see them taking the wraps from off his head and un-wound them down past his eyes, and instead of sunken hollow eyes, they saw bright sparkling eyes smiling out at them. Instead of sunken hollow cheeks they were rosy-red, and when they un-wrapped down past his mouth, he said, “Hallelujah!”  You may ask, how do you know he did that? I ask you, how do you know that he didn’t? What would you have done if you had been in Lazarus’s shoes, being dead four days? You’d have come out of there shouting, because the Lord had brought you back. You and I would have come out of those grave clothes saying, I’m hungry let’s get some pinto beans, fried potatoes, corn bread and a big juicy Vidalia onion, and celebrate what the Lord has done.  We’d of said, get me unwrapped; I want to hug Jesus and my family. 
There she looks across the table, seeing Lazarus a picture of health, but she also remembers how sick he was, that he died and Jesus brought him from the grave. She also looks across the table and sees Jesus, and her heart begins to well up, she’s getting ready to have a fit. She’s looking at Jesus and begins to think about it all. She’s saying to herself, Jesus is so wonderful, he’s done so much for us. Then she says, no sacrifice is too great for the master of the living and the dead. Instead of listening to any one coaxing her or worrying about criticism, she reached down and got a little box of ointment worth 300 pence. A pence was a whole day’s wage that represented her whole life savings. She took it without being asked, she took all she had and poured it on Jesus, and anointed his body before he died.
 Everybody ought to have one funeral service while you’re alive to see what people are going to say about you. Because they cuss you while you’re alive, and say good things after you’re dead.
 I think Mary looked over at Jesus, and not slowly or calmly walked over to him; but with excitement and quickly went to him with the ointment, saying I can do something to show what I have in my heart. I can see her maybe knocking over the iced tea and bumping into some one, and maybe knocking over a chair, saying, “excuse me, but I must get to him quickly!” I can hear old sister flap-jaw and brother mossy-back, and doctor feel-good say, “well look at her, how silly she is. She must have lost her mind,” I know there was always something wrong with her; making a spectacle out of herself. Both she and Martha; they’re old maids, never did get married, just plain weird people. But she paid no attention to what others said or thought, she made a bee-line toward Jesus.
She broke the box of ointment- all she had. She did it because she loved Him! When you do all you can, I mean you go the limit; and you do your best; while some will praise the effort, there will always be some that will murmur, because you didn’t do it the way that they thought you should. Some will call you a big shot; but a big shot is just a little shot that keeps shooting. Who’s he trying to impress? Some will always say. Some people would give a tranquilizer a nervous breakdown- who’s he trying to impress? They murmur and murmur; until they get so busy with it they never get anything done for God. You may put your whole heart into service for God; but someone will murmur and try to make you feel bad. They’ll try to get you to doubt that It’s for God you’re doing it. Simply because of envy, jealousy, or just plain mean.
 When this church has nobody saved and baptized, no one ever complains; but just let somebody start doing something, the crowd picks up people get stirred and then people start getting changed. Many begin to get excited about what God is doing and before too long, the murmurers will come along and it’s most always those that are never faithful to tithe or attend the services; never come to revival services. These always sound off the loudest, because they are never going to do anything, and they’ll try to make sure that nobody does. Get out of the way and let somebody do something! 
 Nobody will question the number of professions until you start having several, and then don’t you know; they’ll say, I wonder how many got really saved? I wonder what’s the difference in being saved, and “Really” being saved? That’s like going to a funeral and saying, is he dead or is he “Really” dead. Is she “Pregnant” or is she “Really” pregnant? In both cases, you either are or you ain’t! You’d think other preachers would love me when I began to see great things happen for God; but some of them, and most of them as a matter of a fact, began to say I wasn’t doing it right. But I was doing what I could! You see as long as somebody’s kicking you in the rear, you’ve still got the lead. Glory to God, let’em kick, let’em belly-ache, and let’em murmur. I’ve made up my mind, and you should make up your mind right now, I’m going to do all I can to the glory and honor of Christ! 
Now! What motivated her to make her sacrifice to the Lord?- her love for him! Because she realized he first loved her! When we consider what Jesus has done for us, it ought to make us to do all that we can for him. Are you willing to pour yourself into service for him, for what he first did for us? ( PS. 22:1-14) ----“I am but a worm, and no man; a reproach of men and despised”---  (verse 6) And then in, verse 14 He said;-----“I’m poured our like water---- my heart is like wax: it is melted”----  God expects the best that you have, it may not be “The best” but It’s “Your” best. Then if it’s your best, it’ll be God blest.  
In an orchestra, a little flute doesn’t seem to matter too much, but to the orchestra leader he can hear every note. No any one person or many people might not pay much attention to the lowly flute; but to make the sound that the leader wants to produce, it’s as important as any of the other instruments, Play on little flute, don’t quit! Stand up tall and blow that flute to the best of your ability, and be in your place-faithfully.
You may be the only one changing diapers in the nursery on Sunday morning; but do it to Gods glory. You may think nobody knows about it or pays any attention to it, some won’t even appreciate it; but the Great Master sees it, and knows all about it. Every time you put soothing cream and shake that baby powder on that little bottom and throw that stinky diaper in the pail- God sees it! Every time you work on the van; every time you mow the grass; every time you clean the bathrooms; every time you cook a meal for the less fortunate; every time you clean the kitchen; every visit you make; every prayer you pray; every dollar you give; every trip you make to pick someone up; every effort you make to get the youth in the church; God sees it!
It’s not about what we want to do, it’s about what we ought to do for his Glory, and honor! And if you stop doing it God will be the first to know it. (Keep doing your best).
4) The Memorial of Christian Service: - Jesus said, where ever you go, preaching the gospel you tell what Mary has done, as a memorial! Do you realize that the great sermon that Peter preached at Pentecost, Jesus didn’t say, let this be a memorial, but he did say it here of Mary of Bethany. God didn’t say, the visions that John saw on the Isle of Patmos, let it be a memorial. But God did say, everywhere you go to spread the word of God, you tell them about Mary. As a memorial to what she has done. God simply wants people to hear about what he does in our hearts. By the way, God makes a record of it. “If you’ve done it unto the least of these. . .”  You may never get all or even any of the credit due here, but there’s a day coming when you’ll not be disappointed. You’ll be rewarded at the Judgment seat of Christ.
Do what you can, in order to bring honor and glory to the Lord. DO your best; don’t worry about who else is doing or not doing anything. I pray right now, that you’ll begin to find things to do for the Lord; it will make a difference in your life, and those you contact. If you do it solely for him, it won’t matter what anyone else says or does.


Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Image borrowed from:

Thursday, January 25, 2018

PART THREE ~ “She hath done what she could:. . .” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

January 25, 2018

“She hath done what she could:. . .”  ~ first published in Dr. Milam's book, "Beside Still Waters" 

I may never go to another state and hold a revival that last’s three months like Billy Sunday did where there were 48,000 conversions, and churches getting as many as a thousand members during that time. And nearly 700 jail birds less during the same three months. I can’t do that; but I can do something!  
Everybody here in reading this can do something. The happiest day of your life is when you find the “One” thing; that God appointed thing; the ordained thing; the right thing- the chosen thing. This I can do, and by the grace of God I’ll do it!

I can’t go around here and start a church that runs 50,000 members every Sunday like some of them do; I can’t baptize several thousand every year and have a building project going for years to accommodate the additions. I can’t do, and you can’t do everything; but we can do something! And don’t get discouraged because you can’t do what somebody else is doing, do what you can do!

I heard in a testimony meeting one time of the things people were doing, and saying they were going to quit. 1) one fellow said, I’ve been drinking liquor, and I’m going to quit; 2) Another man said, I’ve been smoking and I’m quitting; 3) A man even said, I’ve been beating on my wife, and I’m going to quit; 4) Then one old lady got up and said, “I’ve been doing nothing, and I’m going to quit.”

Let’s start doing something for God! Who cares what others think. Don’t worry about what people say about what you are doing.  I’ve had people say to me- I don’t like the way you preach, give the invitation, lead the singing, pray, even the way I carry on. So I said, how do you do it?  They said back to me, “I don’t do it, and I’ve said back to them, I like the way I do it better than the way you don’t do it!”  Mark the person that’s always critical of the way someone else does things, and you’ll find out that they don’t do anything at all.

I’ve heard people sing, that I didn’t’ like the way they did it; I’ve heard people pray that literally bothered me; Some preaching irritates me; some people work on things that I know someone else could do a better job- but at least they were doing something. There are those that go out visiting and don’t have an idea of how to be courteous and kind; but at least they are going. Many people criticize Peter for sinking in the water, but remember, he got out of the boat! Some people just make me nervous, they’d make coffee nervous; they’d give an aspirin a headache.  But I like the way they did it better than the way some others didn’t do it. What can you do?  Can you bake a cake and fix a meal for a shut in, or run up to the nursing home with a box of warm “footies,” or just go and say hello, and then pray with some one? God will receive great honor and glory for your efforts of making someone a nice meal, a fruit basket, or a box of groceries, with no price tag on it. We are just so selfish sometimes, we think only of our precious feelings.

Can you take gospel tracts where ever you go, and give them to people? The stores; restaurants; bathrooms; mail them to friends, and family, put them in your bills.

I heard of a man that put tracts in empty whiskey bottles, and dropped them in a small stream out in back of his house, for over 20 years, and he’s gotten letters from all over the world where people have read those tracts, and many of them trusted Christ as Savior.  You might say, that’s crazy, I’d never do that, I might say the same thing, but I’m not going to do harm to them that do those sort of crazy things- they are doing something. What are you doing? You can do something can’t you!? I know a guy that stops cars right in the street- I wouldn’t do that to tell someone about Jesus; but he does and I’m going to say glory to God, go for it! A man down in Natchez, MS, a former moonshiner, got saved, poured all his shine out, went into town, and blocked the busiest intersection in town, got up on top of his car, started waving a big red hanky, yelling: Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves! A cop came up to him and said get down off that car, you’re violating several laws; but he persisted yelling. The cop saw who it was that had just gotten saved, and said, “If God can save a man like you, I’ll give you a ride on top of my police car, turn the blue light on, and ride you through every street in this city.” I wouldn’t do that, but I would do something.

 I know another man that’s really weird, will embarrass you when you’re out with him. He’ll go into bath rooms on purpose, and where he sees feet hanging down inside the stalls, he’ll throw a tract under there or push it through the crack in the door, and say something like; “read that while you wait!” Now I’m here to tell you I’ve never done that, but I’m not going to criticize him.

Christian Service is doing what you can for the Lord it brings glory and honor for Him- that’s what it’s all about.  Everybody can’t give millions, but some body can. I heard of a guy inheriting a million dollars, but he had a bad heart, so they were afraid to tell him, afraid he might die on the spot, so they got his Pastor to go tell him. SO the Pastor got to his house and said, Bill, what would you do if you inherited a million dollars? Bill said, why preacher, I’d give the church half of it; and the Pastor had a heart attack and died.  I can’t give a million but I can give something. I’m not interested in what you don’t have and won’t ever get; but what do you have right now, what can you offer now?  I don’t know what you are going to do with what you have right now, or when you retire; or next week or tomorrow.

Christian service is what you can do for the Lord right now, because you love him. Find something to do and do it- get busy!

The measure of a Christian Service: “She has done what she could….” That is all that God expects of you. If God had wanted me to be someone else, doing something else, He would have made me that way; but He made me to do what I can with what I have to do with- God expects me to do it! Every single person is an original, nobody is a copy; there’s only one of you and one of me. You are important to God, He made just one like you. SO that makes you very valuable.  "---Bought with a price---"

You can’t even try to do something that you can’t do, you’ll kill yourself trying; but you can do what you can.  A rooster, away from his own hen house, found an ostrich egg, rolled it back to the hen house and said, sisters I don’t want you to think I’m complaining; but look what they’re doing in other places. He was trying to motivate those hens to lay ostrich eggs. But God never expected a chicken to lay ostrich eggs. A Banty chicken lays eggs about half the size of a Rhode Island Red. If a Banty or a regular chicken tried to lay an ostrich egg, and succeeded it would have to be psycho - analyzed or need major surgery. A Chicken just cannot lay an ostrich egg; but it can do what it’s supposed too.  (Are you?)

Have a blessed day.

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I Am Grateful ~ LKMilam

January 24, 2018

I Am Grateful!

Revelation 4:10-11 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, 11Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

When I think of where we have been and where we could have been, we are so thankful we are where we are. God has been so good to us and we are ever so thankful in knowing that our children and 
ALL of our grandchildren AND great grandchildren are saved and on their way to Heaven. There is nothing more we ask.

God has blessed us with this knowledge - and no matter where they have been, could have been, or where they are today - that cannot change. We long for the day when we cast our crowns at His feet and know we have forever to thank Him.

We are truly blessed.  Thank you for listening, watching, following, praying, and supporting us in any way. 

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

PART TWO ~ "She hath done what she could:. . ." ~ Dr. Tom Milam

January 24, 2018

“She hath done what she could:. . .”  ~ first published in Dr. Milam's book, "Beside Still Waters" 

(Second) There are enough professing Christians in the world right now, if they would get busy right now, this whole country would shake in its boots- if we would love the Lord like we claim, and want to do nothing but bring honor, and praise to him. 
Third) Only about Five percent of any church has ever lead a soul to Christ.  Winning soul is like winning the super bowl every time someone walks the aisle of a church; or is saved in a hospital; or out on visitation- and every now and then, at a restaurant. That means that at least 95% of the membership of any said church is living in disobedience of a clear command of scripture.  (Matt. 28: 18-20)  “Go ye in to all the world…..” and if you want the “lo” you got to GO! Around the corner, and around the world.
If somehow, we could shake the people- not the false professions; not those that are shallow; but those that are really saved- if they would get shook up about loving the Lord; loving souls; and get truly burdened about the lost souls that are out there. If they would; just get concerned about what they could do- not what they think somebody ought to do. We could turn this town and country upside down for Christ. We could get them thinking about their lost condition- where they are going to be in eternity. 
We all know that certain ones will be here on Sunday morning, and certain ones won’t be here on Sunday night, and then we have no trouble counting the few on Wednesday night. And then when it comes to visitation- nobody comes. I know that every member here doesn’t tithe the way they should. 
If you give your tithe every week or every two weeks; what happens if you miss a few weeks of coming to church? Do you send your tithe as if you were here? Or your missions offering, or a special offering. If you send your spirit to church then you must be dead, because we can’t live without our spirit.
As hard as pastors and leaders of churches try, everyone will not pay their tithe; everyone will not help on the van or bus route; the youth group or when work is needed to be done- it’s obvious that there aren’t many who do service like the scriptures command. (There’s always a struggle to do right.)
Christian service is doing what you can for the Lord because you love Him! And you want to bring glory to Him! The greatest day of your life will be the day that you say, “I’ll be what Christ wants me to be whether the others do or not!”   When someone else is doing something; go give them help- who cares who gets credit. You should have the attitude I’ll do my part if no one else ever does. “I’m one and only one; I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And I can do what I ought to do, and by the grace of God, I will do.  I’m one and only one!”  There was one and only one Maze Jackson, Oliver B. Greene; Billy Sunday; Spurgeon etc.  I can’t be any one of those, but I can be myself and I can do something!
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

PART ONE ~ “She hath done what she could:. . .” ~ Dr. H Tom Milam

Mark 14:8  She hath done what she could:
she is come aforehand to anoint
my body to the burying.
January 23, 2018

“She hath done what she could:. . .” 
~ first published in Dr. Milam's book, "Beside Still Waters" 

        I’m sold on the Gospel and what it does. You promote what you’re sold on. And what I have. I give to you!  I’d rather die than not be a blessing.  Before us is a very challenging verse.  One of the greatest compliments was said to Mary, and the Lord was not just trying to make them feel good.  He was not trying to win friends or influence people- it was a simple statement of fact. 
1.) He knew her ability.
2.) How much energy it took to do what she did.
3.) He knew exactly what she had done, and the Lords appraisal was; - “She hath done what she could:. . .”
It had to be the greatest compliment the Lord ever paid to any one- it even out-classed miracles. It’s probably equal with what he said to John the Baptist in (Matt. 11:11) “Among them that are born of woman, there has not raised one greater then John the Baptist,”  
As the Lord looked out over the audience, I wonder if the Lord could say, “They have all done what they could,” (Luke 14: 26-27& 3) A) Person, B) Place, C) Possessions. When any of these things come between you and becoming more important than your service to Me: you cannot or will not, be My disciple.
This is all about Christian Service: (four things.) 1) the meaning – (Text Verse) Doing all you can for the Lord because you love Him, and want to bring honor and glory to Him.
It is said that one out of every three adults in America are saved, now if that’s true- I wonder why more is not being done.
First) I believe we’re dragging our feet- Priorities are twisted. IT is said that the average church is like a sick, ailing, lung with just a few cells doing the breathing.  (It’s obvious that everyone is not involved.)  There’s not a business in any state of the union that could operate very long with the percentage of absentee’s that most churches have. I’m not trying to be mean, but this is a true observation that I’ve made.
Have a blessed day!
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Monday, January 22, 2018

Look up ~ Anonymous (may be C. Sumner Wemp)

Caged Buzzards
January 22, 2018

Look up! ~ C. Sumner Wemp

BUZZARD: If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.

THE BAT: The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkable nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

THE BUMBLEBEE: A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.

PEOPLE: In many ways, are like the buzzard, the bat, and the bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and frustrations, never realizing that all we have to do is look up! 

~ (May be C. Sumner Wemp. I found this on a web page someone keeps using his name, but this one and others don't have his name particularly on it, but we will give him the credit anyway.)

Have a blessed day!
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 216

A Lesson Not Quickly Forgotten - A True Story

January 20, 2018
A Lesson Not Quickly Forgotten

( A True Story)

Back in September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a social studies school teacher at Robinson High School in Little Rock, did something not to be forgotten.
 On the first day of school, with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all of the desks out of her classroom.
 When the first period kids entered the room, they discovered that there were no desks.
 Looking around, confused, they asked, "Ms. Cothren, where're our desks?"
 She replied, "You can't have a desk until you tell me what you have done to earn the right to sit at a desk."
 They thought, "Well, maybe it's our grades."
 "No," she said.
 " Maybe it's our behavior."
 She told them, "No, it's not even your behavior." 
 And so, they came and went, the first period, second period, third period. Still no desks in the classroom.
 By early afternoon television news crews had started gathering in Ms. Cothren's classroom to report about his crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out of her room.
 The final period of the day came, and as the puzzled students found seats on the floor of the deskless classroom, Martha Cothren said, "Throughout the day no one has been able to tell me just what they have done to earn the right to sit at the desks that are ordinarily found in this classroom. Now I am going to tell you."
 At this point, Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and opened it. Twenty-seven (27) U.S. Veterans, all in uniforms, walked into that classroom, each one carrying a school desk.
 The Vets began placing the school desks in rows, and then they would walk over and stand alongside the wall. By the time the last soldier had set the final desk in place those kids started to understand, perhaps for the first time in their lives, just how the right to sit at those desks had been earned.  Martha said, "You didn't earn the right to sit at these desks. These heroes did it for you. They placed the desks here for you. Now, it's up to you to sit in them. It is your responsibility to learn, to be good students, to be good citizens. They paid the price so that you could have the freedom to get an education. Don't ever forget it."
 This a true story!
Have a blessed day,
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Sunday, January 21, 2018

"An Old Man’s Pleasures" January 1, 2011 ~ Tom Milam

January 21, 2018

Aislinn Rose and her famous
"Breakfast Casserole!"

"An Old Man’s Pleasures"

Published originally on January 1, 2011 ~ Tom Milam

 Read ~ Ps. 127: 3-5

3  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
4  As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

5  Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: . . .

Ava and Flower
     I have had many pleasures in life and the older I get the more meaningful they are.  On this first day of this year I am blessed to have three out of 10 grandchildren with us.  Aislinn is making an egg casserole, she is nine years old.  Aubree is fussing at me because I am not moving fast enough to the table to eat.  And Avery is seated after we put sticks and fresh leaves in her most recent pet's cage - A caterpillar named "Flower".

Aubree, "Come Papa"

   Grandma is engineering all efforts toward a most delicious "brunch".  Aubree is nearly three and Avery is almost seven.

   I'm getting ready to have prayer and a devotion to start off the new year right.  I am so blessed to be surrounded with so much love.

   May we all sing praises to Christ, and talk of Him throughout this new year with gladness and dedication.  May each of our lives touch another life along this year long journey, for the Glory of God.

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16