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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

“Life” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

January 15, 2018
First Published in Dr. Milam's book,
"Beside Still Waters"\
Men of the world cry; “Life, life 
  Oh, I must live!”
“To the lust of my eyes,
  I must give,”
“For an abounding life- to the
  Harlots I’ll go,”
“To be a junkie or a pusher,
  I’ll sell my soul,”
“Life, life, I must have more,
Drinking a- plenty, and on
  Drugs I’ll soar,”
“Life, is good,” says the lust of
  His flesh,
And the pride of this life “I’ll
  Feed and refresh.”
“This is life man, let’s live
What we’re dealt:
“Everyone knows- Life is much
Better felt!”
Life without responsibilities and
a bed of ease,
What about A.I.D.S and venereal
Part of an epidemic- Is it too
Late to regret?
Where’s my hope- is there help
I can get?
“This is life,” you once said,
Now sallow looking from the addiction
You’ve fed.
Minds destroyed- the drunkard in
His own vomit,
“This is life!” There’s no escape from it.
“This is life? “ Hooked on pornography
  And molesting children
There’s still time to turn from
  The depravity of sin.
Most of your life, for God you’ve
  Had no need;
But hell is waiting, you better
  Take heed.
Death is real, and life is not a
Turn to Jesus, and He’ll do the same
For all your sin, He suffered, bled,
  And died.
On the cross- For You- was
Bring all to him! Yourself, and
  Your strife;
And He’ll write your name in
  The Lambs Book of Life!
Die out to sin- come alive
  In Christ;
And with that my friend, you’ll
  Start a new life.
-END- T. M. 7-23-03

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