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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

PART ONE ~ “She hath done what she could:. . .” ~ Dr. H Tom Milam

Mark 14:8  She hath done what she could:
she is come aforehand to anoint
my body to the burying.
January 23, 2018

“She hath done what she could:. . .” 
~ first published in Dr. Milam's book, "Beside Still Waters" 

        I’m sold on the Gospel and what it does. You promote what you’re sold on. And what I have. I give to you!  I’d rather die than not be a blessing.  Before us is a very challenging verse.  One of the greatest compliments was said to Mary, and the Lord was not just trying to make them feel good.  He was not trying to win friends or influence people- it was a simple statement of fact. 
1.) He knew her ability.
2.) How much energy it took to do what she did.
3.) He knew exactly what she had done, and the Lords appraisal was; - “She hath done what she could:. . .”
It had to be the greatest compliment the Lord ever paid to any one- it even out-classed miracles. It’s probably equal with what he said to John the Baptist in (Matt. 11:11) “Among them that are born of woman, there has not raised one greater then John the Baptist,”  
As the Lord looked out over the audience, I wonder if the Lord could say, “They have all done what they could,” (Luke 14: 26-27& 3) A) Person, B) Place, C) Possessions. When any of these things come between you and becoming more important than your service to Me: you cannot or will not, be My disciple.
This is all about Christian Service: (four things.) 1) the meaning – (Text Verse) Doing all you can for the Lord because you love Him, and want to bring honor and glory to Him.
It is said that one out of every three adults in America are saved, now if that’s true- I wonder why more is not being done.
First) I believe we’re dragging our feet- Priorities are twisted. IT is said that the average church is like a sick, ailing, lung with just a few cells doing the breathing.  (It’s obvious that everyone is not involved.)  There’s not a business in any state of the union that could operate very long with the percentage of absentee’s that most churches have. I’m not trying to be mean, but this is a true observation that I’ve made.
Have a blessed day!
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

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