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Sunday, January 28, 2018

“This Last Day” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

This Last Day 
        No other day like it

Written on December 23, 1999 ~ first published in "Musing of a Mountain Missionary" Poetry book, Vol. 2

In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. (John 7:37)  

 Oh, the patience of the Saviour –

how He pleads and waits with grace;

Let us admire the long-suffering One -

As He charts our course with His faithful pace. 

 Bearing us up, year by year

wiping our faces, tear by tear;

Provoking we are, stubborn and rebellious -

Yet He extends His great mercy to us. 

 His entreating somber plea -

mournfully beckons –“Be reconciled to me“

What kind of love could reach so deep,

as to cause the Saviour to weep? 

 You would think that all sinners would fall -

Prostrate there, at such a pitiful call!

All is provided, your thirst He will quench,

of sins loathsome burden and its Hellish black stench.

 Don’t stand back on indecision's dark brink,

all you need has been provided –come freely and drink. 

This last day –for you was made –

Come seek His dear face before you watch it fade,

 A harlot, a thief or even a fool -

Can humbly fall and drink from His pool.

Poverty stricken, -Riches by far -

All can stoop down to this blood flowing bar. 

 Dry desert blisters on parched aching lips,

Sins leprous sores will not defile it as you sip.

But I’m so filthy, you say –I dare not touch it;

Yet come –O love desiring one -

A single touch will make you fit. 

 Come wandering one –His stream of love to ensue -

You’ll not pollute it; but it will purify you.

This last day, our hope is still Him;

Come reconcile, before the light gets too dim. 

 Snuggle up to Jesus –so to hear His voice;

You’ll find that answering the cry, is the very best choice.

This last day, stop and think;

As He pleads with love – “Come and drink.”               


Tom & Linda Milam

Missionaries to America

Phil. 2:16




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