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Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Negative and Positive of My Church Attendance ~ C. Sumner Wemp

January 21, 2008

The Negative and Positive of My Church Attendance
~C. Sumner Wemp
What My Absence from Church Did

It caused some people to question the reality of my faith.
It made some think that I was a pretender.
It made many think that I consider my spiritual welfare and that of others a matter of small concern.
It weakened the effect of the church service.
It made it harder for the preacher to preach.
It discouraged other church members and robbed them of a blessing.
It made it harder for me to resist the temptation of the devil.
It gave the devil more power and influence over lost people.
It encouraged me to become more irregular in church attendance.

What My Presence at Church Did

It caused people to have confidence in me.
It made people realize that I regard my spiritual welfare and that of others, matters of great importance.
It had a good effect on the services.
It made my friends feel more welcome.
It encouraged other church members and helped the pastor in his work.
It caused others to come to Christ.
It made my life stronger for another week.
It removed stumbling blocks from the sinner's path.
It pleased God.
It caused others to say, "He practiced what he preaches."

It is God's desire to see us grow in our Christian walk and the best place to do that is in a good Bible Believing, Bible Preaching, Bible Living, local Bible Doctrinally sound New Testament Church.  Make sure you go to church today. 

Yes, you can "listen and watch" on some social media or radio station, many shut-ins are blessed this way.  But if your are physically able, there is nothing like coming together as a church to fellowship and worship together. We count it all joy that wherever we are, and not providentially detained, to attend church all up and down this great America.  Even when we do not take part in the service in the way of preaching or singing, this attendance helps us more than anything in the world.  It is a time for us to sit back, soak up the Word of God, and allow ourselves to be ministered to.  We all need that occasionally.

As you read Bro. Wemp's negatives and positives of church attendance, did any one of his points strike you in your spiritual heart.  Only you and the Lord can correct that if it did.  Hope to see you in church somewhere, someday soon.  God Bless and have a wonderful SUNDAY! LKMilam

Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. I wish everyone would stop and think about this from both the positive and the negative aspect. I think more may just be a little more faithful if they stopped and thought about this. Thank you for sharing this. May God bless you and Mrs.Linda in your ministries.
