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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

PART TWO ~ "She hath done what she could:. . ." ~ Dr. Tom Milam

January 24, 2018

“She hath done what she could:. . .”  ~ first published in Dr. Milam's book, "Beside Still Waters" 

(Second) There are enough professing Christians in the world right now, if they would get busy right now, this whole country would shake in its boots- if we would love the Lord like we claim, and want to do nothing but bring honor, and praise to him. 
Third) Only about Five percent of any church has ever lead a soul to Christ.  Winning soul is like winning the super bowl every time someone walks the aisle of a church; or is saved in a hospital; or out on visitation- and every now and then, at a restaurant. That means that at least 95% of the membership of any said church is living in disobedience of a clear command of scripture.  (Matt. 28: 18-20)  “Go ye in to all the world…..” and if you want the “lo” you got to GO! Around the corner, and around the world.
If somehow, we could shake the people- not the false professions; not those that are shallow; but those that are really saved- if they would get shook up about loving the Lord; loving souls; and get truly burdened about the lost souls that are out there. If they would; just get concerned about what they could do- not what they think somebody ought to do. We could turn this town and country upside down for Christ. We could get them thinking about their lost condition- where they are going to be in eternity. 
We all know that certain ones will be here on Sunday morning, and certain ones won’t be here on Sunday night, and then we have no trouble counting the few on Wednesday night. And then when it comes to visitation- nobody comes. I know that every member here doesn’t tithe the way they should. 
If you give your tithe every week or every two weeks; what happens if you miss a few weeks of coming to church? Do you send your tithe as if you were here? Or your missions offering, or a special offering. If you send your spirit to church then you must be dead, because we can’t live without our spirit.
As hard as pastors and leaders of churches try, everyone will not pay their tithe; everyone will not help on the van or bus route; the youth group or when work is needed to be done- it’s obvious that there aren’t many who do service like the scriptures command. (There’s always a struggle to do right.)
Christian service is doing what you can for the Lord because you love Him! And you want to bring glory to Him! The greatest day of your life will be the day that you say, “I’ll be what Christ wants me to be whether the others do or not!”   When someone else is doing something; go give them help- who cares who gets credit. You should have the attitude I’ll do my part if no one else ever does. “I’m one and only one; I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And I can do what I ought to do, and by the grace of God, I will do.  I’m one and only one!”  There was one and only one Maze Jackson, Oliver B. Greene; Billy Sunday; Spurgeon etc.  I can’t be any one of those, but I can be myself and I can do something!
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

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