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Thursday, January 4, 2018

"The Bible Still Gives" ~ Tom Milam

“The Bible Still Gives”
(Using the alphabet)
Seneca, S.C. 6-6-06
Originally published In "Beside Still Waters", HTMilam

A-ssurance to the doubting;
B-enevolence to the broken;
C-ompanionship to the lonely;
D-irection to the confused;
E-escape from bondage;
F-ullness to the empty;
G-od to the sinner;
H-ope to the hopeless;
I-mmeasureable instruction;
J-oy to the saddened;
K-indness to the filthy;
L-ife out of death;
M-ercy to the condemned;
N-arrative from distortion;
O-optimism over pessimism;
P-ardon for the guilty;
Q-uality over quantity;
R-ight over wrong;
S-alvation to the lost;
T-roubled sinners to the triumphant GOD;
U-nlimited relief to those who inquire;
V-ictory to the defeated;
W-armth to the cold;
X-rays to all that are sick;
Y-es, to the believer;
Z-est to the zealous!
Be Blessed,
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16