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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hebrews 11:1 ~ LKMilam

Originally posted on FB on October 28th 2017 ~ LKMilam
Christian today I want to share with you A little of my heart and I ask you:

Are you nearly overwhelmed with the burdens of this world? Are you sick in body? Have you lost your job just weeks before Christmas? Have you been deserted by the one you love the most? Are you looking for answers but there seem to be NONE? You are faithful to God. You attend church every time the doors open. You tithe.... You give offerings above your tithe. Why, you are also a giver to Faith Promise Missions! You read your Bible and talk to God Every day, multiple times a day, not just at mealtimes!

So why are all these “things” in your life tearing you apart? Why are you facing a life threatening disease or a life as a single parent, or a lost job. Catastrophic things that are changing your world as you know it. Why? It is not because you have been “bad” no matter what a lot of folks think. We are all sinners saved by grace. And as long as the Lord tarries His return and we continue to live on this mud ball we call earth, we will endure problems. The difference between the Christian and the non-Christian, Is FAITH. Don’t give up, don’t give in. God Is good, He Cares and is still with you. YOU do right when no one else is.

Paul Chappell’s devotion today (inserted below) was such a help to me personally. My husband and I are the children of a holy God! We are missionaries serving God full time to the best of our abilities. Yet we are no different than you. We still pay light bills, phone bills, buy groceries, gas, clothing, etc. We are facing age, illness, heartbreak, rejection, hurt just like you. Reading Pastor Chappell’s message today reminded me that God is in it all!! Keep looking up Christian, He is coming soon. And for the non-Christian, please be saved today. HELL is real. If you want assurance of a home in Heaven one day, message me or H Tom Milam. We will be glad to help you know! LKMilam

“Saturday, Oct 28, 2017
“Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah.” Psalm 61:1–4

The idea that a Christian will only receive good things from God and coast through life on a bed of blessings sounds good and draws large crowds and television audiences. But it is not the reality of life presented in Scripture. David, who was known as a man after God’s own heart, spent years running for his life. He was the number one target on Saul’s list, singled out for death not because he had done wrong, but because of Saul’s jealousy. Yet even on days when it seemed that everyone on Earth had turned against him, David clung to his faith in God.

Faith is not a barrier that prevents trouble from coming; it is a shield that keeps those troubles from conquering us. (I loved that sentence! LKMilam)

In the moments that challenge us the most, we sometimes feel that we must be strong. But victory is not found in our strength; it is only found in the power of God. Even the apostle Paul, to whom we look as a great example of the Christian life, knew what it was like to be pushed to the edge. He wrote, “For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears” (2 Corinthians 7:5).

We sometimes think that if our faith were stronger we wouldn’t worry at all. But David was overwhelmed and Paul was troubled. We must understand that faith is not the absence of fear, but the continuance of trust and obedience. ~Paul Chappell
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

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