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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

“My Testimony” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

January 17, 2018
First published in Dr. Milam's book,
"Beside Still Waters"

“My Testimony”

My life has had its share of storms. I’ve tried the best I know to discern the Holy Spirit in all aspects of my life. I’ve not afforded myself much, but firmly stood on the gospel, and spreading it out without whining or wavering. I have no regrets, except my sporadic sowing instead of constant spreading for the glory of the Gospel. I’ve missed many along the way but I’m still a soldier on this battlefield.
Preaching is the greatest, most needed, and honorable thing I know. I realize that my fight is great against a most subtle enemy. Therefore, I shall not compromise, conform or cowardly turn back for self or political interest or mere satisfaction.
I’m not fighting a fight to be fighting or to be tough. I’m fighting a fight that’s worth fighting. (2 Tim 4:7).  Remember, it’s not the dog in the fight that’s important; but the fight in the dog; Christ lives in me!

Have a blessed day!
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America

Phil. 2:16

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