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Saturday, January 20, 2018

"Gods Tracks" - Dr. Tom Milam

Our West Virginia Family at our reception.
Our Florida Family on our wedding day.
January 20, 2018 
"Gods Tracks" - Tom Milam
Written on January 3, 2011~ H Tom Milam

And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. Mark 2:1

Is there much evidence that He is in your house? Has He left any marks or tracks in your house?

On this day we still have three of the ten grandchildren, which is a task at times, but also is a true joy.  They demand a lot of attention at their young age. They are very teachable, but also, they are what they are; children.  

They leave marks or tracks all over the house of where they have been.  When you find wet footprints across the kitchen floor you know that if you follow the tracks you will find a wet diaper at the end.  There will be sticky or greasy hand prints on the fridge and crayon marks on the wall.  A sock or a shoe behind a chair or the tooth paste in the shower.  Wet towels and articles of clothing found in unheard of places.
Tracks:  evidence of children living in a house.
 What about evidence of God living in the house? Are there marks or tracks of Him dwelling there? Could a visitor sniff Him out? Would there be enough tracks to hunt him down? Could we find Him in the TV programing? Are there any tracks leading to a prayer closet? Could we investigate and find tear stains on the Bible or a list of shut-ins in their last years or days? I wonder if someone could find evidence of humility or a heart for benevolent care? Would our very conduct, in our most comfortable setting of solitude, be an indication that God had been there or most importantly, is living there as the most welcome guest? 

If someone looked real close, could they find tracts that would lead to a family devotion time? As we further observe could we hear singing about the cross and the resurrection, or would we hear secular music? Would we be able to smell out a discussion about the finances and that the tithe and offerings come out first? Did we just hear someone say, don't forget to pray for missions and our promise by faith that we would give a little more this year?  And don't forget, our pastor and his family really need our prayers and financial support.  I wonder if a hunting party was sent out to track down Gods presence, would He be found "in the house?"  '
Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

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