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Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Look at My Heart" ~ LKMilam

January 28th, 2018
"Look at My Heart" ~ LKMilam
- morning devotion.
As I was praying this morning an instance came to mind of a 6-year-old, blond, curly headed, little girl who wanted to make sure God was looking at her heart and hearing her prayers.
We work with children all around America, and none are more precious than the ones who have “captured” what being a Christian is and how they should live for Christ. This little girl knew that God would hear her prayer, but she just wanted to make sure He really could hear her “heart”. 
She sat on my lap, weeping and looking for an answer to her prayer.  She shared with me, that every time she prayed, she would open her eyes wide, look up towards heaven, so “Jesus can see inside my heart and know I really mean what I say, and I want him to help my family.” What a beautiful vision, and a beautiful heart this little one has for her loved ones.
Children are a blessing, and Jesus was very clear how much they mean to Him. “. . . Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14b.
This little girl was putting ALL of her trust in Jesus, and when I explained to her that Jesus just wanted her to talk with Him, and it was okay if she didn’t close her eyes, (she was a little worried about that) and He was definitely hearing her prayers.
Then the questions came.  If He loves me and He hears my prayers, why won’t He fix my family?  With tears in my eyes, I explained to her that God’s wisdom is greater than ours and He was answering her prayers.  She might not see the answer many times, not for weeks, months or years, and some have gone to Heaven not seeing their prayer answered. God’s timing is always perfect.  It is hard to make a child understand God’s ways, but she finally said, “I will keep praying, and trusting God is making things all right, His way. Would that be okay?”  I assured her that would definitely be okay.
Never give up praying for the people you love and just let God do His work in His time.
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

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