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Thursday, February 1, 2018

“In The Bosom Of The Father” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

“In The Bosom Of The Father”

Written on April 16, 2003 ~ First published in "Musing of a Mountain Missionary" Poetry book, Vol. 2
John 1:18  No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

John 13:23  Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.

The loudness of the world has turned me aside,
Whisper softly to a yielding ear.
True God, my God of Heaven, your child won’t chide
draw me to your bosom, settle my fear.
May I snuggle close, and in your arms, take rest?
And may that place upon your breast,
be my long -sought -after quest?

I feel I’m going backward, please don’t let me slip,
I’m sliding away;
The menace of darkness moves in with its shadowy grip;
I’m covered with its clammy shroud, though it is day.
To your bosom I must get, there is safety there,
Cover my ears that I cannot hear,
the sound of worldly fare. 

My eyes are made to look and wonder,
prone to see all that attracts;
Center my vision on scenes up yonder,
away from Satan’s attacks.
Show me your bosom, a place to cover,
a place that hides the view.
Shield my sight and over me hover,
revive me to see a-new.

My mind makes judgment on a repeated story,
my mouth declares it true;
Thoughts instilled are far from glory,
My lips stir a bitter stew.
Clean my mouth, and cradle my mind;
Nestle my head in the quiet,
Purge my speech -My thinking refine;
In your bosom, hold me ever –so –tight!!

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16 

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