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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

"Love Is:" ~ Tom Milam

Aubree, Aislinn, Ava
 “Love Is:”
B-eautiful and enduring;
C-ontagious, never advantageous;
E-ndearing, not despiteful;
F-autless and never thoughtless.
G-racious and never facicious;
H-appiness and never thoughtless; 
Eryn and Papa

I-llustrated in its purety;
J-ealous in its surety;
K-indness at its best;
L-imitless in its quest;
M-annerly and never manipulating;
N-atural and never discriminating;
O-pportunity at its most;
P-rofit, without a boast;
Q-uality in no special order;
Eryn and Grandma (Sydney photobombing)
R-edemptive, with peace as its border;
S-acrifice to the fullest;
T-roubling to the bullish;
U-nder no obligation, to:
V-ex or vaunt a relation;
W-eathering the weather in all forms;
X-ray in all the storms;
Y-earning with desire ever-burning; and
Z-ealously to God ever-turning.              

~Tom Milam 8-8-07
We love all of our grandchildren - these pics include 5 of our 8 granddaughters!  Stay tuned!
Have a blessed day!
Tom & Linda Milalm
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16