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Monday, January 8, 2018

2017 4th Quarter Newsletter! Milam's Missionaries to America

Milam's 2017 4th Quarter Newsletter.  We thank you all for your part of our ministries.  God has been so good to us this year, and we are forever grateful for each one of you who have, sacrificed, prayed, and supported us in any way.  We are blessed.

Our newsletter here is meant to convey a little more information on how our year went.  Please feel free to comment, request information, and share! 

4th Quarter Newsletter 2017   
January 1, 2018

     Greetings in the name of “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8). Thank you seems to come short of saying how much we appreciate the gracious spirit you all have shown in your praying, giving., and your encouraging us in our part of God’s great ministry.
     This entire year has between one of the most exciting, spirit-filled, and refreshing times of our lives in the ministry of printing, church planting, and church strengthening in our part of America and abroad. With your prayers and financial support, we have tried to be an extended arm of the ministries God has placed you in, to reach out to hundreds of people whose lives have been touched, stirred and changed. You all are heroes that have joined with us to make a difference in the furtherance of the Gospel. 
     Our faith and excitement only increased as we faced three major car repairs on our GMC Yukon that now has over 310,000 miles on it. Miraculously, God met the need! We were involved in an accident as the car we borrowed had a brake failure that put us straight into oncoming traffic—God showed up again—the vehicle had great damage and we had to spend a few hours in the emergency room, but miraculously, we only had some bumps and bruises– God was right where the need was! All the while we both had several doctors visits because of a cancerous growth removed from Linda’s right leg and an injured left knee that she was already suffering from and my right hip with some nerve damage. In addition to a minor stroke for me, of which it appears I have no lasting damage. I am reporting all of this because of what God has done in spite of all of these things. The storms were raging all around us, but God stepped between us and the storms, and great and mighty things happened as a result. 

In 2017 with YOUR help and support we saw the following and so much more:

 · Over 3.5M pieces of literature printed and distributed world wide (Gospel Tracts, Books, Literature, Prayer Cards, Brochures, posters, calendars, and all sorts or Christian School material)

· We received word of a great number of souls saved because of this part of our mission effort—204 souls saved in a one “day” big day, 209 inmates saved using missionaries we printed free material for, the potential of over 20,000 souls reached in Haiti with a large printing order of salvation material. 

· New Church Plant—Lighthouse Baptist Church, Largo FL

· Literally tens of thousands reached through our daily “Jewel for the Day” program on  a distinctively Christian Radio Station (in 30 days we can report that over 41 countries, 1,204 unique visitors reached, and reports of people being helped, “around the corner and around the world!”)

      Due to some serious medical issues of the missionary Pastor here at Faith Baptist, I filled in for him as pastor this last quarter of 2017. Was privileged also to preach for Lighthouse Baptist, Pastor Clark Walden, Port St. Lucie, FL—their annual Faith Promise giving for missions; filled in for Pastor Richard Parker of Gardens Baptist, Port St. Lucie, FL, and was honored to preach for Pastor Johnny Jarriel at Victory Baptist over in Okeechobee, FL.  The printing ministry was abundantly blessed to print many thousands of books, Bibles, brochures, booklets, tracts, prayer cards, letterhead, envelopes, etc. that have touched thousands of lives. Thank you for having a great part in our part of God’s great ministry. 

Please help us pray about these needs:

1. Souls to be saved and churches strengthened.

2. FBC Publications and Printing

3. Our mission vehicle with over 310,000 miles on it.

4. Our continued deputation efforts, we thank those who joined us this year in monthly support

5. New church plant in Largo, Florida, Lighthouse Baptist

6. T’hono Odom Indian Bible Printing

May the LORD bless and keep you all.

Listening for the shout,

Tom & Linda Milam

Phil. 2: 16







  1. Praise the Lord for all you both are doing in His name. Praying for you both daily and for all the ministries you are in. May God continue to bless both of you in health, strength, and wisdom.

  2. Elizabeth ~ please know we are truly encouraged by your faithfulness to pray for us! Love you Sister. Linda
