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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"The Cross Is For:" ~H Tom Milam

"The Cross Is For:"  2008 Dr. H. Tom Milam
First published in his book;
"Beside Still Waters"

The Addicts- who live in a stupor;
The Boisterous- who think they are super;
The Calloused- who’s heart is hardened;
The Damning- who ignore a pardon;
The Eager- who look for relief;
The Felon- that lives as a thief;
The Good- That should have done what they could;
The Hierarchy- Who could have done what they should;
The Independent- Who stands alone;
The Jammed- who cries and moans.
The Killers- In their unlawful deeds;
The Lonely-who have special needs;
The Master Minds- whose intelligence rules;
The Not -so-smart- who neglected schools;
The Opportunist- With unlimited degrees;
The Politician- manipulating to please;
The Quaint- who are steeped in tradition;
The Ruler- that decries admonition;
The Saint- who proclaims Gods deity; 28
The Troubled- who blames society;
The Undeserving- The trophies of grace;
The Vexed- whose affliction on Christ was placed;
The Wanderer- who cannot find a place to be;
X-mas- The real Christmas tree;
The Yielding- of Christ, and us to go;
The Zealot- As well as the Zero!

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Please feel free to share, but give credit where credit is due! God Bless.

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