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Thursday, December 8, 2022

December 8, 2022 ~ Devotions: "The Light of the World"

And so, I continue. . . . .

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works.  Psalms 26:7 KJV

Psalms 119:105  ~ NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. KJV

What Does it Mean That God's Word Is a Lamp unto My Feet? 

Sometimes when bad weather comes, we lose power and thus the lights in our homes. It makes it difficult to walk around in the dark, and we find ourselves fumbling, bumping into things, or even falling. We pull our trusty flashlights out, or candles to light our way/path through our homes. Well in Bible times, there were no electric lights or flashlights. Instead, people used lanterns. They were most often made of clay, with a candle or piece of cloth dipped in oil. These are the “lamps” and “lights” of the Bible in our verse; they symbolize the dependence we are to have on the Word and God. We are to let Him lead, guard, and direct our paths as we journey through our lives. He is, "The Light of the World".

My husband tells the story of a time he traveled to Israel, and he saw a “lamp” of which a vender had for sale. He questioned the “straps” that were attached to the lamp and the seller told him something he had never heard or thought of. He said, “The Bible lands had many areas that were dry and rocky. It was hard to travel at night because of the narrow, rock-strewn paths. Without a light, you could stumble and fall. If you were on a narrow path next to a cliff, you could stumble and fall to your death. So, the people would have a lamp with them. Sometimes it would be tied on the end of a rope, and the traveler would swing it out in front of him as he walked. The light would shine on the path, and he could see where to step. Sometimes travelers would tie a smaller lamp to their ankles. As their foot went out for a step, the light would shine on the path so that they could see exactly where to place their foot. In this way, a traveler could have his hands free to carry a load, and yet still see where he was going.”

Tom repeats this story as the Lord brings it to his mind because of its absolute relationship towards God. When we can see no way, the darkness is overwhelming, our lives are in great turmoil, and we cannot see the way to go; we can trust in God and His leading hand and guiding Light.  We went to bed last night, praying, “God, where is our next home going to be where we can lay our head down at night." We woke up this morning praying the same prayer. With our limited abilities due to our age and health, packing, cleaning, and all that goes with a big move in addition to our ministry work, which is always a top priority, it all seems to be an almost insurmountable tasks, especially at Christmas. 

And when we do pack it, where is it going? A real estate agent sent us some “rental” listings that we might be able to afford… ONE room, bathroom, hotel fridge and microwave, the cheapest one was $1,300.00 a month! Wow! I think God must want us to let go of some of our excess in our home…if we don’t, U-Haul Storage is going to make a lot of money on us. But then we are reminded, God is not surprised, worried, concerned about all of this. He is in this PATH with us. He knows what is going on in our hearts and the hearts of those involved and He is the One that will make a way.  But to be honest we do admit temporary moments of fear of what comes upon us next, and we ask God why now?? We do know, for He has proven Himself to us, that He is in control. We just need to obey. Keep our calm and allow Him to work in and around us.

When we read this verse, and apply all of this towards God’s Word, we know that the Bible is our spiritual “lamp.” Without His Word, we cannot see the rocks on the road of life. We might not under­stand that there are things we should not do or places we should not go. When we ignore the Holy Spirits nudging and go on our way, we stumble and fall. We can avoid those rocky places, stony ground, cliffs of life when we stay in the Word and obey God.

When the psalmist wrote: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”, did he have us in mind? Maybe not Tom and Linda Milam, but God did! 

It is very important that we study the Bible and allow the Word of God to infiltrate our very souls so that we will not stumble and fall spiritually. When we do this, we are obeying God. He wants us to be safe while traveling on this road we call life. He wants us to reach the end of the road safely, but to prosper as we travel His path for our lives. We are saved, we are going to heaven, and I want my journey to be pleasing to the LORD. Don't you?

The Light of the World is Jesus

The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin,
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Like sunshine at noonday, His glory shone in.
The Light of the world is Jesus!

Come to the light, 'tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me.
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The Light of the world is Jesus!

If you don't know Him, come to Him today!

Tom & Linda Milam

Missionaries to America 
and around the world
May we be faithful to be your 
Philippians 2:16 Missionaries.

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Lord, help us to be worthy of your sacrifice, securing our souls with the Light of your life and sacrifice.  May Your light shine in and through us as our reasonable service to You. Save the lost, encourage the saints please.  And help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You, giving YOU all of our best with an open loving heart for the ministry and people. Help us Lord, to be wise in our homelife and all that is going on with that. Thank you in advance, Lord, for working out our situation for a home in FL. Thank you for all who are praying for us.  I pray for those who have given of their finances, and that you will continue to supply. We know you are our great Provider, and we can't thank you enough. We thank you Lord for your wonderful mercy in Tom's eyes and ask that you would heal him completely or at least allow the drug to work. We love you Lord and thank you for first loving us. Amen.  


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