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Monday, December 19, 2022

December 19, 2022 ~ Devotions: "The Light of the World"

And so, I continue. . . . .

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all thy wondrous works.  Psalms 26:7 KJV

John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. KJV  

Sometimes I cannot understand the world and why they cannot see their own sin, the struggles they go through with no “Light” at the end of their tunnel.  But then I think of where I was before I got saved. I didn't know I was lost before someone shared in the Word of God my sinful condition. When I did take Him as my Saviour, I knew I was on my way to Heaven. But it seems harder to reach people today, and I wonder why? The Bible says in John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Until the world accepts Jesus Christ as their Saviour, they will only see the darkness.  In our darkest times, Jesus’ light shines and if we would just turn away from the darkness our lives would change 180 degrees! All we need to do is look to Christ in and by whom all things are illuminated.

54 years ago, I did that, and I found that in Christ all my questions are answered: How did we get here; what’s wrong with the world; what is our next step, can’t we fix any of this, what does my life here mean; how should we live; why aren't Christians serving their Saviour? All of these answers and many more are in the Bible, the Word of God, where Jesus tells us to look to Him for, He is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, AND IN HIM we can find all of the answers to these questions and many more. When we pray and seek His face, He opens more and more of the Scriptures to our understanding and more and more of our questions are answered.

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Word by whom the whole world was made; John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He is the way, the truth, and the life. To refuse to follow Him is to continue to walk in darkness, is self-destructive, leaving us searching for answers, even if the questions are unexpressed. To follow Him is to see what is ahead, immediately, and eternally into the future. Christ shows us that the world fell with Adam and Eve, and that God had a plan before creation, to save it. He showed me my need for Him, and my need for salvation. The Scriptures and the preaching of the men of God showed me that He died on the cross to redeem us and forgive us, reconciling us to the Father. Christ showed me His nature and holiness, love, grace, and mercy of God.  God is a Holy God, and his wrath for sin combined with the mercy of forgiveness, and justice of God with the forgiveness of God was made possible through and by the Lord Jesus Christ and His Death on the cross for ALL men.

His Light shows me how to walk in Him until His return. He is my loving God, and we are all to live in Him and His Light with all our heart, soul, and strength. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves, even loving our enemies. The Light shows me how to die to myself, that I might live a true life, abundantly in Him forever and ever. And the best part, it wasn’t just for me; you too can have this abundant life in Christ, just for the asking. It is a free gift given by God for all men. 


1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

 The Light of the World is Jesus

The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin,
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Like sunshine at noonday, His glory shone in.
The Light of the world is Jesus!

Come to the light, 'tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me.
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The Light of the world is Jesus!

If you don't know Him, come to Him today! 

Tom & Linda Milam

Missionaries to America and around the world 

May we be faithful as your Missionaries.

Philippians 2:16 

 Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

 Dear Jesus, help us to be worthy of Your sacrifice, securing our souls with the Light of your life and sacrifice.  May Your light shine in and through us as our reasonable service to You. Save the lost, encourage the saints please.  And help us to be wise, studied up, aware, and faithful to You, giving YOU all our best with an open loving heart for the ministry and people. Help us Lord, to be wise in our home life and all that is going on with that. Thank you in advance, Lord, for working out our situation for a home in FL. Thank you to all who are praying for us.  I pray for those who have given of their finances, and that You will continue to supply. We know You are our Great Provider, and we can't thank you enough. We thank You Lord for Your wonderful mercy in Tom's eyes and ask that You heal him completely or at least allow the medication to work. Lord I also bring my eyes before you and the important appointment I have tomorrow. Thank You for Dr. Gallogly, and Dr. Leitenbauer who found the problem I am experiencing in my "good eye". I praise you Father that the report was good and there is NO MACULAR developing! Dr. Gallogly was confident when he gave us the good news. 

We ask Lord, that You would heal our dear friends and family. Bless our daughters, Nina, Jennifer, and Lita their husbands, children, grandchildren; especially with Lita's health we ask for Your healing touch in every area of her life. Thank you that she is getting in home care now - a true answer to prayer. We love You Lord and thank You for first loving us. Amen.  


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