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Sunday, April 9, 2023

April 6 ~ Dr. Tom Milam He Leadeth Me Devotional

“They Led Him Away, Outside The Camp”

Hebrews 13:13; John 19:16, 17

We were, at one time, satisfied with living in the world, we were actually camped out with the devil and his crowd. Jesus was taken without the camp, and to be a devout follower of Him, we too must go without the camp of the world, the enslavement of it, and ultimately the destruction of it. As Christ was, we are in the world, but not of it; We are on a journey through it, as He was.

Jesus constantly taught, not to conform to the world, but separate from it, be different; He said, follow me and I’ll make you a soldier of the cross. Jesus plainly teaches that we are set apart by our willingness to go without the camp of what is normal or politically correct, or what is expected of us by the philosophy of the world. The world has it this way, everything needs to come out of the closet except the Christian, everybody knows if that fanatical crowd is allowed to produce, they’ll take over everything. We must come out from among the world or we can’t grow as Christians. The life of separation is a life of discipline, it is contrary to the flesh and the world. So many sorrows follow the life of a separated believer, but it is the safe way and will lead others to the throne of safety. Every day, there’ll be a battle, but you’ll stay happy; It’s a life of joy as Jesus reveals Himself to you in the most refreshing and satisfying work that can be done. I feel better now when I feel bad, than I did back yonder when I felt good! Christ will give you calmness in the most raging storm, if we are just willing and purposed to follow Him without the camp.

“What We’ve Got”

Without a cross, there’ll be no crown, 

And separation may bring a frown.  

A moments shame, may be our lot,

But the world can’t take away, what we’ve got.

Witness now of His loving grace,   

And forever live, in heaven, our place.

                            ~ Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“Jesus constantly taught, not to conform to the world, but separate from it.”

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Samuel 17-18

Weekly Memory Verses: Hebrews 4:9-13

Hebrews 4:9-13 ~ 9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 ¶Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. 12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: b

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