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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Church Attendance - LKMilam

CHURCH is not the building!
Church Attendance - LKMilam

Hebrews 10:24-25 King James Version (KJV)

24And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

It is apparent as we draw closer to our Lord's return, Christians are becoming more and more complacent or distracted with the things that they have in their lives and missing out on in the greatest "time" in a Christians Life by MISSING church. Even worse, we stop serving with the talents that God has so richly blessed us with.  Sunday School Teachers, musicians, singers, soul winners; is this what has happened to us?  

Oh, it starts out slow you know. First, we stay home on a Wednesday, then we start skipping Sunday School, and those nights you missed Sunday evening service.... and the next thing you know, it isn't important enough to come at all.  When we do come, we see all the negative and don't allow God to bless us.  Why?  and what happens in our lives that could cause this to happen. Certainly, God or HIS Word has not changed; so, we better examine our own spiritual selves. 
We all have our problems, worries, and issues. We even become a little disillusioned with the "way things are going around the work God has placed you in." So, we stay away. . . Be honest with yourself here; How many times have YOU seen that happen to others and you have said, "Now is the time to be in church, NOT stay home?"   And now that person is you.

I know I have said it.... we need to Go Back, my friend to the time when God had our WHOLE heart and no matter what came our way, we allowed Him to use us. This is written not just for others but for me. I have to examine myself on occasion, and then I look around today and see vacant seats in church, Sunday school, the choir loft, orchestra and musician seats and wonder why I keep hanging in there? It would be easy to just pick up and leave and let someone else do the work that I am doing. 

We are busy, busy, people, but so Happy in the LORD. The Church has many out reaches - and as missionaries we serve and wear many hats. But the most important one we believe is the hat of "encouragement". To the Saint that is weary of it all, don't give up. We are almost there. To the layman who looks around him and says where has everyone gone, don't stop - bring someone with you the next time you come to church..... JUST DON'T QUIT! 

 May you be encouraged and blessed is our prayer for you today!

God Bless,
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

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