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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

“The Gift” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

This poem is published in Dr Milam's Volume 2 of his 4 Volume set of Poetry

“The Gift”
It’s amazing what a gift will do;
A gift will cheer you when you’re blue.
A gift can say, “I love you so,”
Or, “Oh, I dread to see you go!”
A gift says, “ Glad to see you again!”
“It’s so good to see you, “ or” where have you been!” 

A gift can soothe ones’ aching pain;
And bring brightness after a gloomy rain.
A gift, like a rainbow, reminds us still;
That it’s the giver that wants a void to fill.
The gift-—there’s hardly a doubt about it
It would be so sad to live without it. 

A gift sure does excite and lifts our hearts to
Unspeakable heights.
A gift brings warmth—wide eyes and charms,
And we’re delightfully surprised as we reach out our arms.
A gift is good for fathers and mothers;
Also brings joy to sisters and brothers. 

 A gift can even bring better relations;
Because a gift is what you are to your congregations.
Gifts we love and gifts we crave;
Will we give ourselves, that a soul would be saved?
 A gift has no certain language;
And many times a life it will salvage.
Try not to make an issue of the cost of it all;
Because when it’s given from the heart, your account can’t fall
In heaven you’re laying up treasure.
You see, a servant’s reward is that above measure. 

One more reminder to give your flesh a rift;
And at the same time, give your spirit a lift!  
You’re given to others—so that makes you a gift. 

  Evangelist Tom Milam  
Tom & Linda Milam 
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Monday, September 27, 2021

Raising The Standard - Dr. Terry L. Booher

Raising The Standard - finished and ready to mail to you a book from a sermon preached by the late Dr. Terry L. Booher, who was the Pastor and founder of Faith Baptist Church in Fort Pierce, FL for over 40 years.  The following is a portion of this book.

Isaiah 59:19, “So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun,  When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”

"It’s time we raise the banner up. And quit this pacifism ideology and quit being so casual. I’m not a rebel rouser, and I don’t want to be a war monger. But too many of us have just set back and said, “Well, I probably shouldn’t say anything about that.” Well, maybe we should say something about it. Maybe we ought to just stand up and say, “Look, No! Absolutely, positively, No! You are not going to do that in this church, not in this family, not in this home, not with my kids, not with my life. NO! You’re not going to do it.”

And so Isaiah said, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”  Let’s raise that standard high for the Lord.  Keep that standard high so the enemy cannot wreck havoc in our lives, our homes, our families and our churches."
Raising the standard.  In our Christian lives, homes, workplace, and in our country.  How sad to see how far God is going to allow the people of our great nation to go in their depravity and rebellion against Him - but be assured - He is coming back and His hand will stay the world.  Let us be about His business as we strive to raise the standard as He would have us to do.
God is good all the time, and everywhere! 
Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

From the eyes of a child. . .~ Linda K. Milam

Published in Linda's Book 
"A Compilation of Thoughts,
Scriptures, and Devotions"
(Inspired by a conversation I had with my ten-year-old granddaughter, Avery, on April 25, 2014.)
John 4:23  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
From the eyes of a child. . .
 Children are a blessing and an inspiration, if you will just “listen” to them.  She saw something in me, and her Papa and she wanted to know if everyone could be like “that”? It opened a door for me to share a little grandmotherly wisdom with her. I hope it will be a help and be a blessing to you as it was with me. We love our grandchildren so very much – each and every one of them are unique in their own way, as we all are!  May our Lord bless them mightily, is our prayer.) 
“Grandma, how come you and Papa Never Sin?”  What?! Believe me I was quite shocked at that question.  Avery is always asking questions like this, so our conversation continued as it always does with deep concentration.  I kind of laughed when she said it – because we know we are all sinners by nature. And if you don’t know that, the Bible says in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; That means ALL and that is ALL that means.  We are all sinners saved by the grace of God through the death, burial and resurrection of His Only Son, Jesus.  I shared that with Ava, and she said she knew that.  "We memorized that verse in school."  So, I took the plunge and dove right in, that’s all a grandma can do.
“What do you mean Avery,” I asked, “Papa and I do sin.  We will never stop sinning until Jesus returns and takes us to Heaven. We are all sinners.”  “No” she said,” I know we are all sinners but ya’ll never sin.  I never see ya’ll doing anything wrong.  You don’t cuss, drink, smoke, or listen to bad music or watch bad TV shows.  You always go to church, and you work in the print shop and church and Papa preaches all the time.  You don’t even scream and holler at us kids, when we do bad things. Ya’ll just don’t sin.”  
Well, what a revelation to me.  I don’t sin.  Of course, I do, and so does everyone.  But what touched my heart was as we talked that she does not see open sin, as she calls it by name, in our lives.  My husband says we don’t “practice sin” meaning we do not openly or purposely sin intentionally.  God forbid that we would be responsible for exposing our grandchildren to sin purposely.  We may accidentally, but not purposely. So, I began to explain to her that she may not see sin in our lives, and we are thankful for that, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t have sin.  
“Maybe my sin is in my mind, you can’t see that Ava, or an attitude that you don’t know I have towards another person or just looking, hearing, going to places that might cause me to sin. Everyone does sin – but the difference between a practicing Christian and others is that if we sin, we ask God to forgive us and we make every effort not to do it again. We do not 'practice sin'.  And, like I have said before, if it does happen because we have a close relationship with God, through prayer, Bible Reading and study, and attending church that the Holy Spirit immediately touches our hearts and minds to let us know that we have just done something sinful.  And if we have our hearts right with God, the very instant that the Holy Spirit has let us know of the problem, we are already asking God to forgive us and help us to never to do it again.” 
I told her, “People have choices.  They can choose to sin or not to.  You can choose to lie to Papaw and Grandma or tell the truth.  You can choose to talk mean to your sisters or not.  We all have been given the gift of choice.  We choose what we do and where we go, but if we are practicing Christians, we will limit all of those places and things to the “accidental sinning.” 

Bless her heart she revealed to me, “Grandma, I do hate sin especially when I sin.  But I guess I don’t think of the sins I do as so bad more than some of the other ones I see.  I know I shouldn’t be bad and lie and talk ugly, but I was thinking of stuff like, drinking beer and wine, and chewing tobacco or smoking or doing drugs.  I was thinking of people who date other people that are not their husband or wife.  You know BIG sins.” 
I had to tell her, “Sin is sin, big or small.  You could murder a person and I could blaspheme God, both sins – and maybe in our eye's bad sins.  But it wouldn’t matter if you took a cookie when I told you not to or if you told the biggest lie ever on somebody else and they got in terrible trouble for what you said, it is still sin. Do you understand?”

“Yes, thanks Grandma,” she said, “I’m glad you told me.  But I’m still glad you don’t sin in front of us.  I want to be just like you and Papa.  I don’t want to lie, steal, cheat, drink or do drugs or even listen to bad music.  I want to be just like you.”
Again, blessed by a little child.  I hope this helps you in some small way. Just remember, you never know who might be watching you.  What kind of impression do you want to leave on your children or grandchildren whether they be young or old?  I am no better than anyone else.  I have a sin filled past, and I’m so glad it is in the past.  Those sins are covered by the blood of my precious Saviour.  Because they are God is able to use me. But I am still a sinner, saved by grace. And I am sure I will fail and sin again. When I made the decision to be a “practicing Christian” – I made the best choice of my life. God took the broken things in me and made me whole.  I pray he will always be able to use me.

“And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.”  ~ Jeremiah 18:4 

Dear Lord, thank you for the precious grandchildren that you have given us.  May we always be Christ-like when it comes to all those around us.  We love you Lord, Thank you for first loving us. Amen 
God has created each one of us… each so unique. I don’t know about everyone else, but I have things and circumstances in my life that are heartbreaking. And because we are all people that is going to happen. Sometimes our lives get tarnished with mistakes we’ve made ourselves, or perhaps our dreams get crushed by other circumstances.  God loves us still.  He looks down and sees the value of each one…me and you.  He knows how to put the broken pieces together again, if we’ll but trust Him. The deep hurts and aches — He’s able to heal! Then, our life is able to take on a brand-new purpose. The past hurts and brokenness make us unique.  Gods not finished with us!  He’s still able to use us. We stand out beautifully in our own way because God always does a marvelous handiwork. LKMilam

God bless,
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Sunday, September 26, 2021

“The Simplicity of the Greater Life”

H Tom Milam - from His Book, "He Leadeth Me"

John 14:27

We must remember that God makes no mistakes, nothing slips upon Him; He is never taken by surprise. The ability to blame God for our problems lies in all of us. We must search and encourage ourselves to run inventory of our lives, because the trouble is brought on by our frail decisions to not trust Him. We must depend totally on God; when we do we’ll find living the Christian life is easier than imagined. Our problem most of the time is overriding the Holy Ghost and doing it our way. Obedience to God always brings peace and satisfaction; this is unnatural to the flesh; the flesh says, hey! What about me? Don’t forget me, I’m important too! But peace will not come as long as the flesh and carnality have rule. We must be submissive to the Holy Spirits’ guidance; we must tarry and then proceed with caution, keeping ourselves under the simplicity of subjection.

     My decisions usually bring chaos and is born out of frustration, but the Holy Spirit gently speaks in simplicity and wakes me up to obedience. When I obey God, nothing blocks the avenues of refreshing and my delight is watching Him make a way when it seems impossible.  

 “He Knows”

 The life I live belongs to God, His guidance I claim each day. 

I put it all into His hands, because He surely knows the way.   

                                -Tom Milam

                                                                    Daily Jewel: 

“When I obey God, nothing blocks the avenues of refreshing.”


In His Steps

1 Peter 2:21 “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:”

When my girls were in high school they were given the assignment to read the book, In His Steps. It was a story of a man who for a period of time attempted to walk in the steps of Jesus. Everything he said, everywhere he went, all decisions he made were done as if he were Jesus. This experience changed this man’s life forever. What he did was commendable, but he had no hope of ever being successful, until Heaven.

We are not Jesus, nor will we ever be. Yet Jesus left us with His example of a godly life. Jesus gives us the example of kindness and gentleness. He was full of sympathy and affection. And He always loves with mercy. He knows our pain, grief, the tragedies we are facing, the hurt, loneliness, friends who betray us.  He knows and sees us and is grieved for us. But Jesus wants us to know, he understands the pain, our grief, and our tragedies.  He knows we live in a world and time that is evil and He cares and He can help us. He can cleanse us of all evil and hurt and heal us spiritually as well as physically, in His time and for our good. As we walk through life on earth we experience daily situations that reveal our character. I want my character to reflect Jesus.

As the Lord lives in us, He will form us into the beautiful and marvelous image of God according to our own uniqueness. No we cannot be Jesus, but we can have a teachable spirit. One that is open to His love and one that will give us a desire and love for Him in our hearts. Mark 12:30And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”

When we have submitted to Him and have that love LIKE Jesus – we become “Christlike.”  I want and desire to be closer to Him every day. When I pray, study the Word, put my mind on things that would be pleasing to Him, He gives me that desire to love, pray for the sick, feed and clothe the homeless, and support the ones that God lifts up to be missionaries and Preachers of the Gospel. May we walk In His Steps as we serve Him and as we are called.

God Bless,  

LKMilam, Missionary to America

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Loyally Devoted - Dr. Tom Milam 

Romans 8:26-28
From His book, "He Leadeth Me"

We cannot change the circumstances that God has chosen to surround us, but He has granted us the power to weather the storm and rise above it. Sufficient grace is realized during the trial, but mercy is only realized after we’ve gone through the trial.
If we are truly saved and desiring to fulfill Gods will for our lives and circumstances bog us down, we must remember, it is God that engineers our lives, and if we blame men for causing our circumstances we will never learn how to praise our way through our problems. We must be loyally devoted to our Savior.  It is He that orders our circumstances. Our true loyalty and character will be proven only through how we reacted during the hard times. We must learn to worship God in the most trying times of circumstances; He will change them at His choosing.
We must be loyal to Christ before we try to prove our loyalty to preaching, teaching or any other work or service. We want God’s blessings, but without responsibility most of the time. We want Christ to do all of the work for us, some of which He expects us to do on our own while we reap the benefit and then we’re bad about fussing over the circumstances that God has ordained, to teach us what true loyalty is all about. May we arise to the occasion with faith undaunted.
“Just Thinking”

All things work for the good of God’s child; Purposefully, deliberately called to be loyal

-Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“Mercy is only realized after we’ve gone through the trial.”
May the Lord bless you,

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Friday, September 24, 2021


From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2
At our house in FL preparing for a very busy day. So much going on all around and I miss my sweetheart / the one who always encourages and loves me most.

My mind races with all that must be done and I began to feel anxious ~ then I read this verse this morning and realize that what I am feeling is the overwhelming burden of life that I am facing. In my life in the ministry, as well as my personal life. So I began to Pray and told God what is overwhelming me. He already knew ~ but He always wants us to talk to Him.

In the depths of our despair we can cry out to God. Confide in Him and share our burdens. It is in this time of turning to Him that we learn He is trustworthy. We can turn to God for help and He will lead us to a towering rock of safety. He cares about us - enough to send His Son to die for us! I am so thankful I know my Saviour loves me and was willing to die for me. I will never suffer the ultimate suffering of the unsaved. Heaven is looking sweeter all the time!

Dear Lord. How you have blessed. Please bless the reader and their families. Thank you for all that you have done in our lives. Thank you for your Word that always provides instruction in every situation. Help us Lord, to listen and obey in all ways. Please protect, guard, and lead our dear loved ones and friends. Please give wisdom, patience and understanding where needed. We love you Lord. Thank you for first loving us. In Jesus name, Amen. 

He loves us, we win!
Missionary to America

When Grief Overcomes Us ~ John 14:27

John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you, my peace I
give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Our hearts and prayers are burdened recently for our friends and loved ones who have recently lost their loved ones to the grave.  Our minds immediately turn to their sorrow and grief and how we can help them. Then we turn to the inevitable; when is the funeral? Who will preach the service? Is there a viewing? All the while our hearts and minds are on the spouses, children, brothers, sisters, all those who have been left behind and their gut wrenching grief. And their hope of Heaven and the day they will be rejoined again. How can we get through this? I have a few thoughts below that might help.

We printed a book written by Pastor Mike Ray on “How to Conduct A Funeral” and he shared something in his book about the Lord and Funerals. Did you know that if you search the Bible to see how Jesus would conduct a funeral, all you will find is that He never did a funeral. He always raised the dead! He is Life, it is Who He is and what He does! He raised Lazarus who had been dead four days. He raised a boy on the way to be buried. He brought a girl who was laying on a bed at home back to life.

No wonder He was forever inundated with the multitudes! He conquered our worst enemy, death. He even rose from the dead after three days Himself; He took the sting out of death! 1 Corinthians 15:55 says, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

In the moments that challenge us the most, we sometimes feel that we must be strong. But victory is not found in our strength; it is only found in the power of God. To our friends who are mourning, we have the perfect hope of Heaven. Your grief is felt by our Saviour. If your loved ones were children of God, we do not have to worry about them. 2 Corinthians 5:8 says,  “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” On their last breath, they beheld the King of Kings. Praise the Lord!

Maybe these few words will help someone; they are not to be taken as words that speak lightly of the “separation” from our loved ones. I know this personal grief in the loss of some of our dear friends and family members. Our hearts are broken, we want them back, why did you take them Lord… all of those questions rise to our minds, and they will continue as we desperately seek the peace and comfort from the Holy Spirit.  As the LORD tarries, may He bless you all and may His Precious Holy Spirit bring you comfort and peace in the days, months, and even years to come.

He Loves Us! We Win!
May the Lord Bless you,
LKMilam, Missionary to America
September 24, 2021