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Sunday, September 26, 2021

In His Steps

1 Peter 2:21 “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:”

When my girls were in high school they were given the assignment to read the book, In His Steps. It was a story of a man who for a period of time attempted to walk in the steps of Jesus. Everything he said, everywhere he went, all decisions he made were done as if he were Jesus. This experience changed this man’s life forever. What he did was commendable, but he had no hope of ever being successful, until Heaven.

We are not Jesus, nor will we ever be. Yet Jesus left us with His example of a godly life. Jesus gives us the example of kindness and gentleness. He was full of sympathy and affection. And He always loves with mercy. He knows our pain, grief, the tragedies we are facing, the hurt, loneliness, friends who betray us.  He knows and sees us and is grieved for us. But Jesus wants us to know, he understands the pain, our grief, and our tragedies.  He knows we live in a world and time that is evil and He cares and He can help us. He can cleanse us of all evil and hurt and heal us spiritually as well as physically, in His time and for our good. As we walk through life on earth we experience daily situations that reveal our character. I want my character to reflect Jesus.

As the Lord lives in us, He will form us into the beautiful and marvelous image of God according to our own uniqueness. No we cannot be Jesus, but we can have a teachable spirit. One that is open to His love and one that will give us a desire and love for Him in our hearts. Mark 12:30And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”

When we have submitted to Him and have that love LIKE Jesus – we become “Christlike.”  I want and desire to be closer to Him every day. When I pray, study the Word, put my mind on things that would be pleasing to Him, He gives me that desire to love, pray for the sick, feed and clothe the homeless, and support the ones that God lifts up to be missionaries and Preachers of the Gospel. May we walk In His Steps as we serve Him and as we are called.

God Bless,  

LKMilam, Missionary to America

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