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Monday, October 24, 2022

October 24, 2022 ~ Devotions: "Harvest"

And So I Continue . . . . . . 

That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.
   Psalms 26:7  

Good morning. This is a little long, but I pray you will read its entirety.  I often receive letters, notes, poems to encourage me along the way from others who care about me and my husband and the ministry that God has graciously allowed us to be a part of. However, I also receive negative comments on occasion. 

Recently, I received this poem below. I have been struggling for the last two months in posting my devotions on social media; a series of devotions I have been writing for over two years. Why? Maybe I didn't allow the Lord FULL control, for when some negative, hurtful, comments came my way "privately", I stopped posting. I took those comments personally. I didn't stop writing; I just didn't share. I let a few interfere on a part of our ministry God gave me personally through an invitation to join a group on FB. I thank my friend, Amanda, for inviting me to join. 

I never want to be the cause for anyone to turn away from Jesus; my sole purpose was to bring others to the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Saviour, and their souls salvation, or to one who has strayed away from their "first" love the knowledge of knowing that God still loves them and wants them to come back home. Will you pray for me in my weakness, and for those who would be harmful to our ministries, and that God will reveal Himself through the printed page and my feeble effort of sharing the Gospel.  Giving HIM all the praise honor and glory for He is the one Who leads, guides, and directs.  May His will be done in my life.  I will allow HIM to deal with those who would harm in any way. 

Please, accept this "letter" as an encouragement to you, if you have had this same experience.  The Lord showed me, "they" were touched spiritually by something I had written, and they were "fighting" the Holy Spirits calling; they are HIS and He will continue to work in their lives.  I just have to keep doing my part. Don't give up, quit, or turn back, and certainly do not judge. Time is running out!

 The Ministry of Printed Letters

Lord, I sometimes think,

I can’t strike another typewriter key,

I can’t write another paragraph or word,
I can’t even put down a period
at the end of a sentence.

I look at the fat bundle
of unanswered letters
and it all seems so futile.
so time-consuming, so unending
I can’t think or concentrate.
What I write seems empty, lifeless.

I struggle to keep my thoughts coherent.
Yet, I know I must keep on.
I have committed myself
to a ministry of writing –
Writing letters!

And often, God, when I begin to question
my personal commitment
You send me a ray of hope…
a personal rainbow.

Someone stops to say,
“Ten years ago, when I needed it most,
you sent me a letter of encouragement.
I’ve read it a hundred times.
It’s worn and tear-stained,
but I’ll treasure it forever.”

Lord, I don’t even remember writing.
It’s been so long. But it doesn’t matter.
I see again the value of ministry
and so, I’ll continue.

But first, Lord,
I must put a period after the sentence
I so wearily wrote just an hour ago.

- Ruth Harms Calkin

Thank you for reading. . .
Linda K. Milam (LKMilam)
Missionary to America and around the World

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