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Monday, October 18, 2021


On April 20th, 1718, David Brainerd was born to devout Christian parents in Haddam, Connecticut

David Brainerd was a missionary for four years until the day of his death in 1747. He was sick with tuberculosis for the last eight years of his life and struggled with loneliness, depression, loving the Indians, finding beauty in nature, and staying true to his calling as a missionary instead of reverting back to being a pastor of a church throughout different seasons.

Nothing could stop him from obeying the call that God had placed on his heart. While he was only a missionary for four years, the impact he made was of eternal value. Because of his prayers and persistence in seeking after God’s will in difficult seasons, God has used his story to encourage others in their ministry, such as William Carey, Jim Elliot, and Adoniram Judson, as well as those who deal with the same struggles as he did. They often looked at Brainerd’s life in the woods of America as a living example, pointing out that he poured out his very soul before God for the perishing heathen who could not be satisfied without the saving grace of the Lord’s salvation.

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