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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Consider the Pastor ~ Used with Permission!

Consider the Pastor ~ Used with Permission!

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;                                                      Colossians 1:9  

Someone shared the following with  me and I felt the Holy Spirit tug on my heart for the men of God. My husband was a pastor and assistant pastor for years before God called him into Evangelism.  He has shared some "war torn" stories with me that break my heart, because many of those stories have been repeated over and over again in the lives of our Men of God - Pastor's doing what they KNOW God has called them to do, yet meeting opposition within their own ranks inside the church walls he leads. 

My husband says, "Today is the best day in the world to be a Christian." He is right. And yet we know that all around us are oppositions that attack us on a daily basis.  Maybe I am wrong on this observation, but I believe the Pastor, his wife, his children ~ are far and above the largest targets for attack.  If the devil can break them, he has the church.  My soul, because of opposition! (and it could be me or you doing the opposing) The devil is making headway in many areas of our churches.  It is often that we hear of a Pastor "quitting" ~ throwing his hands up in the air, literally, and telling God, "I just cannot do it anymore.  Your people are the ones fighting against the leadership the most.  They fight and argue amongst themselves, they hold their tithe because something isn't going right with the finances, they are at the point of suggesting to the pastor what he should preach so that so and so will get right."  Really?  I believe we lose our total focus on God's work when the pastor or his family are attacked. 

Let's join together as Christians, and determine in our hearts that we will support, pray for, love, and be kind to the one that God has put in the place of "Pastor" at our churches worldwide. Just think on the Pastor!! Consider his position.  We will never know the entire burden of our pastor.  Confidences and prayer with different folks, make it his responsibility to keep you spiritually safe, uplifted, and filled.  When he mounts the pulpit next, and if you have an attitude you don't want to give up, do it for the Lord, anyway. Close your eyes as the Word is preached, allow God the Holy Spirit to enter in and soothe that angry soul.  It will do you more good than you will ever know.  I know that personally.  I have such a heart for the Preacher of the Gospel.  They are men of God who have taken the challenge as God impressed on them to preach.  If nothing else, let us honor God for making that choice for us. 

I don't want to offend anyone, especially you the reader.  I write this to myself just as well.  How do we honor our pastors? With love and respect? Or disdain and dishonor. 

"Consider the Pastor"

  1. Think about what it is like to be in the pastor’s shoes.
  2. Think about his waking moment in the dark morning hours, when in the silent air he calls out a name in prayer. Who will pray for him?
  3. Consider the pastor and the many hours he spends in the Word, reading, searching, asking, and receiving. Think about how he searches to understand what God has called him to do. Who will try to  understand him?
  4. Consider the pastor who places his issues  after those of others. Think about this man who listens time and time again to every little detail of the problems of other people.  Who will listen to him?
  5. Consider the pastor who is there for the  most  beautiful moments of life and the most heartbreaking. Weddings, births, celebrations, sickness and death enter into his life every day. Who will be there for his moments?
  6. Think about the Man of God that stands up every week and proclaims what God has put in him. Consider the tears on his face and joy in his heart each time he stands. Who will be there when he stands?
  7. In all that he does, in all that he says, in all that he thinks, he has the people God put before him in his heart. He has respect for what he has been called to do and would not change any part of it. He would not change a thing.
  8. Consider the pastor. Pray for him. Try and understand  what he is going through. Listen to him.  Be there for him.  Consider his heart. Stand up with him.
Stand up with your pastor, lift his arms as faithful servants to the Lord.  Pray for him and his family by name, one by one.  Believe me, when you do, God will bless and the Pastor you have in that pulpit and that meets with you during the loss of a loved one, or for any other need, will be a Spirit filled Pastor!  God knows our every need, just turn it over to him.

I pray this helps someone today.  I know it has helped me.  Thank you for listening in on my heart today and the heart of the one that wrote "Consider the Pastor".  This person is a Pastor's wife. Who else better to see the great load your pastor carries, willingly, lovingly, and honored by God for doing it. Yes, there is hurt, pain, heartbreak, but for God the Pastor is obedient.  And I would also add, great JOY in knowing when you are in the center of God's will.

Pray for the author of "Consider the Pastor" and her Preacher Husband!  Then pray for your Pastor as you will for hers.

By the way, please feel free to share this blog, I know it will be a blessing or an eye opener for others.

Be blessed today!

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

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