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Saturday, May 12, 2018

"It's okay to cry! ~ LKMilam

Hebrews 13:5B  “. . . and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” 

What a comforting verse in a time of trouble or in good times.  We are people and people have trouble – hurts and trials each day.  Some days are better than others and if you are like me no matter what comes you must keep on going.  But do we stand on the “rock” or do we do all this in our “own” power?  I’ll just have to be honest with you, I have no power to overcome many of the trials in my life and I must turn to the One who has the ability to stand firm as a rock and “Never Changes”. My God. 
A few years ago, I attended a Ladies Conference at Central Baptist Church in West Palm Beach FL – I am very blessed to meet and know many sweet Christian ladies all over America as we travel around this great land. However, this meeting is one of the high lights of my year of travels.  Maybe it is because one of the speakers is my dearest and sweetest friend, Connie Booher.  She has been there for me and with me through over 30 years of my Christian life, listened to me when I was on the mountaintop and when I was in the valley.  She has shared the joys and the sorrows of my walk with the Lord and has been a true friend through it all.  I love hearing her speak and share from her heart what the Lord would have us know.
“What Never Changes” – the theme! Jesus – the Rock!  We know that don’t we.  We really do!  However, when that trouble is right on top of you, the devil is hitting you from every side, you are weakened by the blows, you have cried, and had your heart nearly torn out of your body from the sufferings – you might begin to wonder.  I felt like that this morning.  I told my dear husband, I feel so bad taking the same thing to God OVER AND OVER AND OVER and seemingly no answer is ever given. It is like, I am not praying hard enough, crying long enough, begging hard enough – what more must I do to get God to take action and help in this time of trouble?  I felt guilty, like I wasn’t trusting God that I had to continually petition Him for the same thing over and over.  That is when Tom reminded me of the widow that prayed continually, and the Lord heard her and blessed her because of her perseverance and Daniel who prayed for Israel for twenty-one days and questioned God – but God did not get discouraged or distracted and wasn’t surprised at the situations they faced. 
And he isn’t surprised about what we are going through in our lives or the lives of those we love and the dear ones around us.  His plan is perfect. A dear friend of mine shared with me something she read and I want to share it with you.  It has helped her, and it helped me and I hope it helps you.  She paraphrased and so shall I. 
“It is okay to cry when hurtful things come into our lives.  Whether from hurt, grief, troubles, or loss, weeping is like a pressure valve.  After the tears, God’s Spirit refreshes.  Kind of like a renewal after a rainstorm and the grass gets greener and the flowers bloom brighter… the earth is refreshed.  Sometimes I feel like doubting God’s faithfulness when I give into the tears and hurt.  But, it’s not that at all… it’s just a releasing of the pain to Him."  What an amazing revelation and a help to me this was.
I am, again, so thankful for the Godly people in my life and I am truly blessed with the Word of God!  God proves Himself to me every time I read it! I am especially thankful to know that; “. . . for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” 
Dear Lord,
Please know I love you so.  Thank you for first loving me! Amen
Be Blessed,
Linda Milam

Missionary to America


  1. Praise God and the Lamb forever! A good read honey, I love you. 💐❤️

  2. I love you more. Thank you for "standing" in for me as I recover from the flu. :)
