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Sunday, August 20, 2017

What Giants Are You Facing? ~ Linda K. Milam

August 19, 2017

Good morning from Ft Pierce FL! 

I arrived safely on Tuesday night and as expected, stepped into an absolute whirlwind of duty and chaos, all without my partner NOT by my side! I sure miss him. He is the one who loves me the most and loves taking care of me. But that day I faced my giants with only his sympathetic words coming from my phone! 

While we were gone on this trip, Our home had brand new flooring put in and a new kitchen and both bathrooms updated. We are blessed with the loving care of our "spiritual daughter" caring for us from afar. She is a blessing to us both and made all this happen while we were in meetings during our recent trip to our WV mission house.  

The changes are beautiful but oh my soul ~ I looked around after my first look at the beauty and knew I was in trouble. I felt like Peter when he stepped on the water to walk to the Saviour, and he "looked around at the storm" and began to sink under the water, he took his eyes off Jesus and his faith wavered!  Yep, I did the same thing Tuesday night. I let the things around me take my eyes off my Saviour.  

All of my furniture was pushed and shoved everywhere! Left behind leftover construction material everywhere and everything is covered with TILE DUST from the ceilings to the floor and every surface in between! Vision that!   

Driving nearly 16 hours, I was so tired I just wanted to go to bed! But before I could do that I had to wrestle a 500 lb plus treadmill which had our bed shoved up against the wall, away from the bed, so I could remove the furniture on the bed. Sadly I slipped a disc and now I am in excruciating pain. I somehow located my back brace put it on and continued the cleanup. I stripped the bedding, dusted all around, made the bed and by then I was truly exhausted and in much pain. Aren't you tired thinking of that?  This was all after I unloaded the Yukon and at midnight by now!  I'm tired all over again thinking about it! LOL  

I did what I could and laid down. You know when you drive for long periods of time and you finally lay down your body "hums" for a while. Well, mine does. I eventually fell asleep but was up quite early to begin the cleanup process. The only problem, my back. I could hardly maneuver enough to shower and dress. All I could do was turn my back on the mess and walk out the door and head to the Print Shop. I knew I would need help so I went to the shop instead.  

I know ~ We hear it all the time!  How do they do what they do? Go the way they go all the time? They are getting older and older but seem to get busier than ever.  

How do we do it? Truly by Gods grace. He never fails us even when we fail Him. We are people just like other people. Having blessings from God gives us many responsibilities and we choose His way for our lives. We get tired, and pain strikes us and we sometimes get to the point we can't go anymore.  

But We don't get up every morning and start our busy schedules without spending time with God.  

He is my strength and my high tower, my Saviour and my Father, my Guide and my Leader and I follow Him by choice.  Through the reading of my Bible, prayer time, and my devotion time I gain strength for the day. That is how. I do get weary and my faith fails me at times but the morning time with God gives me the strength to go on. I loved Paul Chappell's devotion on Faith this week. It helped me to keep focused on accomplishing His tasks for the day. Here is a portion of it.  

"Our faith is not measured by what we say, but by what we do. If we truly believe God’s promises, then we will claim them and act on them. We will never accomplish what we should for God if we do not trust Him." ~Paul Chappell  

I am putting all my trust in Him. Why don't you. Your stories are just like mine we are people. We allow the circumstances around us to overwhelm us and become tired and discouraged. We in essence take our eyes off of Jesus. That's our weakest point and the devil will attack as soon as you let down your guard, Christian. Before I began the task of getting myself a place to lay down to sleep, I called my sweetheart in tears. "I can't do this, I cried! I need you." Overwhelmed he knew what to do.  After we both cried awhile my sweetheart took us to the feet of our Saviour in prayer!  It does work. "It is just stuff", I said. It will get done when it gets done!

Forgive my long rambling this morning. I missed posting so I'm making up for it. ️   

What giants are you facing today?  Health, finances, family, life in general?  If you are saved and know you are, take it to the Saviour in prayer. He WANTS to help you, but you have to put your trust in Him. If you are not saved, He still wants to help you. Your first step of faith, is to accept Him as your "personal" Saviour.  

KJV John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

Whosoever means you. Put your name right there, pray and ask God to forgive you of your sins and your unbelief and accept Him by faith!  You will NEVER regret it.  

I pray a little bit of my heart has reached yours!  We are truly blessed with many friends and family who pray for us every day. We receive not only requests for us to pray but many reminders from others letting us know they are praying for us. Yes, through it all, We are loved and blessed! 

Have a blessed day. LKMilam
Missionaries to America
Tom and Linda Milam
Phil. 2:16